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Sun 19th Jun 11

Night started well, a little cloud drifting east so decided to get out and play. Opened the obsy at 2330 hrs and got all ready, done my first star align and lo and behold, the sky filled with clouds. Abandoning the alignment I decided that whatever star was available I would use that as a guide star and play with the webcamss to see how tracking was holding. Using both the Meade LPI and the modded SPC900NC I spent the next hour hopping from gap to gap and checking all types of configurations, al

The Sailor

The Sailor

COLD, Sweat and FIRE!

June 18, 2011 Since nights are incredibly short, this stargazing evening went far into the early morning of the 19th. I am more of an early riser than a night owl which makes viewing the night sky quite difficult at this time of year. Stargaze in the morning? This would mean setting my telescope up at 3:00 am. I do love astronomy but I've been told that sleeping was a good thing,... I set up my telescope around 11:30. It was at this time that the ISS was streaking across the sky. I



I caught the ISS on video!

June 17th, 2011 For a couple of weeks now, I have been obsessed with the International Space Station. This is rather peculiar on my part since I am usually this passionate about the natural world, not the one created by the means of human technology. However, to indulge in the knowledge of the natural world one must also hold a deep respect in the technology that helps us achieve this knowledge in the first place. The ISS is therefore a crucial step in obtaining this knowledge as well



AR 11236 is the leader.

Poor seeing today from athens. Observation only in the CaK line with Coronado maxscope Sm 70mm. Sunspot 11236 is the leader target this time on solar surface. Two great sunspots in bipolar group with penubra. The region 11234 is closed to the west limb. Has many small sunspots. One prominence at the solar limb. http://www.solar-007.eu/site/



How long to take a widefield shot 10 secs 5 secs ?

hi all the most common private msg i get on sgl is,"how many seconds should i take ?" well basic wide field shots just on a tripod with no motors, piggy back or just stuck on a camera tripod its easy lets say you have a 28mm lens on the camera and lets say you want to do a basic wide field shot of ursa major. so you shoot for 45secs and stars trail doh! try this, the magic number is 600 :) so i no my camera as a 28mm lense attached but not sure how long to keep the shutter open before tr



quick question on saturn

around 3 weeks ago i was viewing saturn and i noticed a star just above to the right. i at first thought it was titan ( which i didnt think could be visible with the naked eye ) and after i pointed my scope at it i realised it wasnt, or so i believe. its now been a few weeks and saturn still has the same star at the same position and it is still visible to the naked eye, if it was titan it should have shifted round saturn but its still in the same place. what is this star like object that is fol



Full moon ,yellow last night

Last night around 11.43 after ISS passed, the moon was rising in the south, and was full and very big, and yellow, it did not take long for it to climb high in the sky. Looked very impressive.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Deneb Fail

june 17th fail DENEB/ Cygnus hi all failed last night from the word go!, forgot the filters for the camera (10d) i wrote down what a was gonna do,subs times iso`s darks ect,but this all went to the dogs a sat on the sheet .the moon came up and the night skies got lighter ,a brill gold color the moon ,any way got to it and started ,2 hours later (01:20) i came in i noticed the camera lens had lots of dew then no filter checked the darks and noticed they were all 45sec



images off the ISS

hi everyone. has anybody managed to get a good picture of the ISS yet with a scope. iv seen images on the net but id love to see a close up by an astronomer! dave



NO lunar eclipse! in YORK

very disappointed on the lunar eclipse, it was coming out of totality in south east only 6 degrees on horizon, no chance of seeing it with building and trees in way. Watched it live on line in Cyprus and Dubi via sloosh live telescope, managed to get some screen capture pictures of it of it. come on people lets see some pics of this historic event, a video would also be nice.

mr saddo

mr saddo

ISS - I See Something (June 14, 2011)

My ultimate goal in surveying the night sky is experiencing the wonderment of the natural world and how incredibly vast it is. The program Stellarium helps me find remote Messier objects such as nebulae, galaxies, clusters and also comes with a plug-in that enables the viewer to identify man-made satellites. Up till now, because of lack of interest, I haven't used it that much. However, after going to Florida, seeing the Space Shuttle Endeavour and then seeing it a couple of week




coincidence 21-00pm eclipse sky tv goes down



new to astronomy

hi everyone. i have only within the last year got into astronomy. i have a celestron astromaster and a meade LX10 8". i have upto now learnt myself all i know as i have no friends who are into astronomy for advice. i have recently moved to newquay and would like to join an astronomy club to help me understand and learn my telescopes and the night sky. please may someone be able to advise me of a club within the area which i can join to further my astro-knowledge! many thanks, dave. :)



Canon EOS 10d Piggyback photo technique and settings?

Hi I have eventually brought a Canon 10D with a couple of lenses i can squeeze f/4 out of. I am very, very new to this sort of camera there are so many options. Anyhow im apparently supposed to be taking night shots in bulb mode, but bulb mode only allows me a high f/32, no good presumably for night shots the results where poor to say the least. I also noticed it was very hard to take a photo of the moon with LE as it was over-exposed as soon as you go greater than a 1.5 sec exposure. ISO has ra



my account hacked?

just received e mail from administrator about bad language? at 5.15 pm on here, i was not on the sgl site at this time, whats going on!! beware passwords may be not safe!! i have contacted ant on admin.

mr saddo

mr saddo

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