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Using philips SPC 900!!!!!! need help

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Hi i've just joined here (my first post and all)

i have a powerseeker 127EQ using an SPC 880 flashed to SPC 900 to take photos and videos but when i try to image something like saturn it seems way to bright to get any kind of detail,

i tried using filters but im not sure which would be best

probly stupid but i tried the moon filter to try darkening the picture had it for a bit but still to bright or other times when i tried it i was not able to find saturn, i also have the issue that my finder scope is rubbish need a new one but not sure where or what to buy since my budgets gonna be quite low any input would be great.

Thank alot


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Don't mean to sound condescending but... have you tried googling for webcam planetary imaging tutorials ?

Here are some that will help get a grip

Tutorial: Planetary Imaging and Image Processing - IceInSpace

Webcam Astrophotography Tutorial for Planets

also our very own


good place to start- look fwd to seeing some of your results. Just be patient and clear about what you're doing. Choose a good capture s/ware and d/load and use WcCtrl to alter cam settings with the capture s/ware open _much easier !

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i installed sharpcam on my windows 7 laptop but for some reason my cam dont like it and makes my laptop Blue screen

thanks for the quick reponse ill have a read see how it helps


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Vlounge is what i was origanally using didnt seem to get very good pics or videos with it

i got maybe 2 good shots of Saturn and couple of awesome shots of the moon hopefully tonight skys will clear abit and i can test sharpcam

thanks for everyones imput will let you know how my next viewing go's maybe post few pics :icon_eek:



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Now ive used Sharpcap my my cam seems to have trouble picking up anything other then then the moon.

i tryed to get saturn but nothing on the screen

really dont understand it its like the software has broken the cam

any ideas



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Brian - am sure it's just the settings.

Attach it during the day time & point at something bright, that should show on the main screen if it's working.

Just get it into view & try different settings - you'll be sorted soon enough.

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So.... at the weekend it was Amazingly nice weather so i spent most of the nights outside i managed to get some pics of saturn finally with gain maxed as suggested.

attached is my best pic from the weekend.

i dont understand the whole setup for the scope so i can us the mount to find things can anyone help with this?

ive looked at the instructions for setting it up and its not really written for a newbie


Brian :D

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to butt in but I've got the same cam, different scope. Does anyone know how to get the LX mode working? As the webcam is plugged in via USB you can't set up as a COM port, meaning you can't use the cam as a ling exposure device. It's driving me nuts!!!

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Go to the Astronomy Shed website - join as a member (it's a great site, and free), and on there you'll see a series of extremly useful step-by-step tutorials on how to set up and use the SPC900 webcam for imaging planets. I was struggling big time before i found this, and then it all became very straightforward. These tutorials also show you exactly how to acquire and process the images - really useful.

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Sorry to butt in but I've got the same cam, different scope. Does anyone know how to get the LX mode working? As the webcam is plugged in via USB you can't set up as a COM port, meaning you can't use the cam as a ling exposure device. It's driving me nuts!!!

The LX mode requires modifications to the camera's circuit board and is not an exposure mode on the standard webcam.


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No matter, we have a canon 1000d so can do long exposure shots on there, it's just I saw one of the astronomy shed vids and the guy made dso shots look so easy with the LX mode on the webcam he used. Cheers for the quick reply anyway :D

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