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Second Saturn atempt 08/03/11


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My second go now at Saturn now and also the first chance i have got to try my new 2.5 powermate although i am pleased with the image scale it has given i would still like to see a little more detail coming through but to be fair seeing was not that great so maybe next time





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Nice shots Kevin. Prefer the middle one, the other 2 are showing onion rings maybe your gain was too set too low?

Thanks Stuart

It could well be i am still unsure of these settings with gain and shutter speed is it better to have a lower gain setting with a slower speed or higher gain with with a faster shutter speed if that makes sense ?



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Nice images. I was set up in my mum's garden near Herne windmill, and was dissapointed with the amount of vapour in the air last night. Made the Thanet Way orange glow loads worse. Had a good look at Saturn, but was unable to image it when the Blue Screen Of Death appeared on the netbook! I'll be ready tonight if, as the BBC forecast says, we get some clear skies with good visibility, although looking out, i'll believe it when I see it later on! :(

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Thanks Stuart

It could well be i am still unsure of these settings with gain and shutter speed is it better to have a lower gain setting with a slower speed or higher gain with with a faster shutter speed if that makes sense ?



After seeing Bigals amazing images I tried 100% gain the other night and considering how bad seeing was it seemed to work pretty well. You certainly don't want to go below 50%...maybe try some at 70% with a slighty slower shutter speed than the 100% gain setting. If you take a 6 min avi the extra noise produced by the higher gain wont be an issue.

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Thx for the nice comments and the shutter speed/gain info bigal 1 and Stuart i was using 1/25 and gain just under 60% so i shall up it a bit next time and also a longer AVI so thanks for the tips :(

I was beginning to think i had the only telescope in Herne Bay nice to know there are others, Smooth and jmdiver have you noticed the few clear nights we have had in the Bay there has been a really horrible orange glow over the town must be due to a thin haze/mist or somthing


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Hi Kevin,

I also use a C9.25 OTA, x2.5 Powermate and an SPC900NC cam. I think my image of Saturn from the same night has about the same level as detail as yours (Which gives me some confidence that I am not doing it totally wrong!):


Yours pics do seem to be very blue/green to me though, probably caused by the camera White Balance being set to Auto or Indoor while the capture was taken.



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Very good images Kevin, I like the first one best for the colour(despite onion rings!) funny how everbody has a different take on what is most pleasing! One image of the first set of images I took of Saturn had so much onion ringing it made me cry!!!

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