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silliest question of the night?

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Interesting stuff!

This study found only 40% of children do the hat trick of eye-hand-foot dominance all down the same side, I'd have thought it would be way higher:

"about 40% of the subjects showed consistent lateral preferences of hand, eye, and foot (about 37% right, and about 3% left), whereas the other 60% were divided among ten groups of different preference combinations."

Link: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/00207458308985872

Re: what half of the brain controls which eye, according to Dr. Wikipedia:

"... both hemispheres control both eyes, but each one takes charge of a different half of the field of vision, and therefore a different half of both retinas."

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may find this useful..

How to Determine Your Dominant Eye - wikiHow

left eye , left hand, and left foot, right side of brain....Im a purist lol

lol according to that I am Right Eye dominant but I remember from my shooting days I had to wear an eyepatch over left eye as it kept opening as it was the dominant eye.

or was that I just used to like being a pirate? maybe thats what I need while observing then just let my right eye get on with it.

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lol....I to had the pirate patch, for the same reason. but, i had a left handed rifle, meant I had a bit more space on the range! :)

actually , and in all seriousness I may try an eye patch while viewing, I imagine it would make focusing a bit easier

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i'm right eyed even though i had a cataract removed and now pocessing a plastic lens since then had laser surgery all on the same eye my mrs says it funny sometimes when u look at my eye u can see the lens wobbling

Anyway back to subject all you peeps that are left eyed/r handed or right eyed/l handed i'm sure there is a medical term for this

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Well it depends on what you are comfortable with and what eye is better. We all know especially those of us who needs corrective lenses that both eye's are not the same.

If am wearing glasses and not my contacts I tend to take the glasses of before I look down the eyepice. I tend to use my right eye.

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