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Planetary Eyepiece

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Hi all hope / know you'll help.

I'm really settling down to being a "non" imaging gazer interested in planetary observation.

With my scope I have a 25mm Plossl and 9mm Plossl (soon to have a 4mm Plossl from the for sale section...thanks)

I'm just interested to know what it really is about planetary eyepieces that sell them ?

Is it just eye relief ??

Could anyone give me a comparison on what a good planetary would do for my F10 scope or should I just be happy with my three eyepieces ?

Hope you can share some opinions.

Thanks as always


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I have the Skymax 127 (5") mak and I purchased a TS Planetary 6mm EP for high power, but it seldom gets used as the seeing is not not good enough most of the time (ESSEX UK). When it is good enough the 6mm gives a good account of itself. In hind sight I should have opted for a 7 or 8mm. A 6mm may work for you as your scope has another inch of aperture on mine.

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Could anyone give me a comparison on what a good planetary would do for my F10 scope or should I just be happy with my three eyepieces ?

I upgraded from the 9mm Plossl that came with my 8" f6 scope to an 8mm TeleVue Plossl and saw a huge difference - more detail, more colour, more contrast. Never felt any need to go to higher magnification than I got with that.

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I'm sniffing around a planetary eyepieces as well at the mo

This guy Sky's the Limit offers a try before you buy on eyepieces - well you pay up front and if you decide an eyepiece isn't for you after he's sent a sample he refunds you.

I've just emailed him to see what he hs in in stock?

Has anybody bought from here previously?

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I'm just interested to know what it really is about planetary eyepieces that sell them ?
To me: razor sharp edge to edge of an apparent field which needn't be large. Very high contrast. No colour cast.

Preferred: Zeiss or TMB monocentric (no longer manufactured and fetching totally silly prices on the 2nd hand market on the very rare occasions they come up). Baader Genuine Orthos are IMO as good as anything else on the market at the moment & you can buy a whole set of them for the price of just one Televue Ethos.

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