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Scope Advice Needed

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Hello All,

I am in the market for my first scope, and would like some advice on what to purchase given the parameters below:-

-Will be used for lunar and planetary observation.

-Must be easy to carry and setup.

-Will need to work with my Canon EOS 400D for imaging.

-Budget £600

Your recommendations will be appreciated.



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perhaps a 6" mak? not much budget to play though though for the mount and you need a decent tracking mount for high magnification (which is what you want for planets). A tough one! Also for planetary imaging you would be better off with a webcam rather than a DSLR (as good as the EOS is)

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With that budget and your needs you will get plenty of suggestions on this. Here's mine (assuming that you are looking for a mounted scope):


The Skywatcher ED80 on the EQ5 mount listed on this page seems a good deal at £449. You would need to get some motors for the mount as well so that's another £100 or so.

Now get ready for a deluge of alternative suggestions from other SGL members !.


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Thanks for the quick reply's!

The ED80 & C6 looks like good contenders.

What eyepieces would you recommend?

I will add motors at a later date, just want to get a basic setup to start with



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A good range of plossls for general viewing and perhaps orthos for the short focal length high mag stuff. If you stick to 50 degree eyepieces they wont cost you too much.

A good set to start with would be:

32mm Plossl

20mm plossl

6mm ortho

2x barlow

Televue make the best plossls (IMO) but anybrand GSO's are probably not far off for much less money. For the ortho anything Japanese will serve you well

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At the risk of opening a can of worms..... :D

For planetary use, the ED80 is too small and the C6 is an SCT and IMHO not a particulary good planetary scope.

Assuming a 8" Newt doesn't fulfill the portability criteria, my picks would be a 6" Mak or a ED100.

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They are made in China but they are remarkable quality for the price. As a rule you get what you pay for.

For less than £800 you can get a MAK150 on a HEQ5 which would be a great setup up as you have tracking and a nice OTA. No GOTO though but that can be added later as an upgrade if you wish for about £300


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I'd agree about the 6" Mak Gaz. The ED100 is out of budget unfortunately but would be a great choice.

Do you know what the CO on the 150MAK is? About 25% ish? or is it more? I know the C6 must be 33% which is a contrast killer.

I think the CO on the 150mm Mak is around 33%, the 6" SCT will be nearer 40..... :shock:

If its in budget an ED100 would be a great planetary scope that would double as a good alrounder as well.

EDIT: just checked the C6 has a ~37% obstruction, thats a lot for a planetary scope.

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OK, ED80 is of the list.

Just looked at the Skywatcher Pro 150 Mak and ED100 are these good scopes, are they not made in China?

Can move the budget to £800 if needs be...

The "Made in China" thing isn't the issue it was 6 or 7 years ago, they've really got the hang of mass producing decent telescopes over there now. They arn't up to to the premuim USA/ Jap/ Euro stuff but then again they are nowhere near the cost, for the average amateur they are more than good enough.

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Threads like this remind me of a game of cards - the bids get increasingly higher and the money in the pot creeps up and up .....

>> fast forward about 30 posts >>>

OK so your budget can now stretch to £2,000 - theres a new William Optics 110mm APO for £1,999 - need to find the money for a mount and eyepieces so if you could just go to £2,500 ......... :p:blob5::blob8::p:D

As Gepetto says, it's a slippery slope alright !!.


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