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Scope Advice Needed

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All good advice Louisa. As always there are different ways to go! Maks are pretty specialised beasts. Great for planets and the moon both visual and imaging. Not very good for deep sky observing or imaging. The ED100 will give you superb planetary and lunar views and is also good for some deep sky work as well.

The contrast problems of the C6 have been mentioned. This is very much down to personal preference. Don't be deceived though, a C6 will give you views of Saturn that will bowl you over - bright, details on the disc and the Cassini division and a fantastic lunar scope. Great scope for imaging and will perform well with DSOs esp with a focal reducer. The C6 will, theoretically show more detail than will the ED100 but it is easy to overstate these differences in performance.

My preference would be for the ED100 or a C6. they will both do the job you want them to on planets and moon but have more long term flexibility than the skywatcher mak

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Maksutovs do tend to be thoroughbred planetary telescopes whereas the C6 (at f10) is a little less so. Although (despite the larger central obstruction) it has a good reputation for contrast.

I guess you need to ask yourself: Am I really looking for a full-on planetary/lunar scope for observing (Skymax 150) or, am I looking for something a little more general-purpose and will I want to take up imaging (C6/ED100).

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