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Tried a mosaic


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Ok my first try at a mosaic, as I couldn't get the moon in one shot...I *thought* I had it all, until I got it all stacked and in PS.....oh well I shall have to retry later but here's my part moon :) There is MUCH room for improvement I know...we will get there

(I know one of the 'frames' looks rather dodgy, I did exactly the same as the rest but that one turned out grainy :) and resized down the quality has dropped ;)) Only our 2nd attempt with the webcam :)


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That's pretty good for a first attempt. I think we all have images that look like that. Check out the tutorial i wrote, it basically covers my workflow. I'm afraid I can't link to it as I'm not on a puter at the mo.

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Oooh thanks for the Imerge link...will have a good look at that...I felt such a berk after being sure I got it all...packed everything away then came in (frozen solid) made a hot brew, shoes off warmed up slippers on and lappy in hand...and I find huge chunks missing ;) I could have cried (not really but you know what I mean :))

Thanks for the comments :)

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Having just read John's thread again - the only thing I do differently to John is that I use Photoshop to put the final mosiac together. It's a lot of work but I find it gives more control than iMerge and other "auto-mosiac" programmes.

I put each image on a different layer and then use levels and curves adjustment layers to match exposures etc. Then I tweak / refine the image overlaps with a mask on each layer layer. By doing it this way, you can always correct the joins if you go wrong or have to shift the images around a bit.

The other thing I do is to use a black background with a large grey circle drawn on it about the size you think the final image will turn out - this provides a refernce circle to make sure your final moon doesn't turn out oval!

Hope this helps


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