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Saturn in a 120mm Spotting Scope


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Having taken the first step into "proper" amateur astronomy last September I had my first glimpse of Saturn on the 18th (6.30am to 7am). I can only echo the sentiments in the previous posts. I cranked up my mag to 150X using a 3X barlow and 10mm EP and was taken aback at the sheer beauty of the planet. I'd obviously seen lots of pictures and illustrations of Saturn before but in my view it was a definate butterscotch colour. Is that right? I did spot a small dot to the bottom of the planet and one quite away to the left, I'm thinking they were a couple of moons but can't be correct.

I tried to fire a couple of shots off with my compact camera and will mess with them tonight but nothing will replicate the feeling I had when I first had it in view.

I realise to many on the site this is old news but to newbies like me it's the kind of thing that'll keep me hooked for a lifetime!!

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Nice One Al,

I think if we did a straw poll we might well find that Saturn (maybe tied with the Moon?) would come top as the most memorable sight seen through a scope.

And don't EVER apologise for being enthusiastic...it's the sad people that can't get enthusiastic about this wonderful universe we live in that worry me!

How do you rate your Celestron Scope..they look nice, portable bits of kit with a decent light grasp?

good luck


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The scopes great. The only thing I have to compare it with is the Celestron 80mm spotting scope! They do have a well built feel to them. The thing I like is the terrestrial use I get out of it Ie birds and other wildlife etc.

My friends just bought a mak so I'd like to give that a go.

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So where do I look at 6:30 to 7:00 am to see Saturn? Jupiter I have seen through my 4" TAL-1 (wow!) and Venus and the Moon and the Orion Nebula but I have really been looking forward to Saturn and I don't know where to look.

Also, should it be as easy to spot as Jupiter and Venus? I am assuming not as it is further away than both and smaller than Jupiter.


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So where do I look at 6:30 to 7:00 am to see Saturn? Jupiter I have seen through my 4" TAL-1 (wow!) and Venus and the Moon and the Orion Nebula but I have really been looking forward to Saturn and I don't know where to look.

Also, should it be as easy to spot as Jupiter and Venus? I am assuming not as it is further away than both and smaller than Jupiter.


Google 'Stellarium' and download the program. It gives positions of objects very accurately, and its free.

Quick answer to your question though is: Its in the south, south west at that time of morning.

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