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Messy 36 37 and 38

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Messy is the word. Due to loads of thin high clouds between the thick low down ones I've managed to snap the November observing targets this evening. Not good and not clever, but they'll fill the gaps in my marathon for the time being.




I'm lucky to have got those as it looked promising then got even cloudier. All done with the Skywatcher 200mm Newt. SC3 webcam, 0.5X FR and CLS filter. 30 second subs at 50% gain and gamma turned low.

Captain Chaos

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Why thank you for your kind words.

Nice easy targets for imaging BTW Caz., those clusters. :lol:

CC, the only stars I've seen in a long time, are those on my daughters room ceiling... Thick with fog here!

But there on my very long list... :)

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