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Clear Sky!


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Finally, the first clear sky since my Plansiphere arrived in the post. Sounds silly that you can get so excited over such a little thing but its amazing. I've just seen stars and constellations that I have never noticed before because now I know what I'm looking at. Cool! Can't wait to use it somewhere where there's less light pollution and see even more.

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I know I have said this before but I could not agree more about using a planisphere. I had an absolute blast throughout the Autumn 2010 with binoculars and a planisphere. I had many, many "wow" moments and was quite amazed when I realised how much I had learnt in such a short space of time. Once you get used to dialling in the date and time and orientating it to the compass points it's very easy to use. I also use a cheap map compass with it too.

I did find a headtorch very useful. I found one with white and red LEDS for under a tenner, although I know there are cheaper ones. My first attempts to hold the planisphere, read it and hold a torch in my mouth, dribbling and fumbling, made me quickly find a better solution. It takes a little getting used to holding it up to the sky and reading it at the same time. I found a combination of reading, holding it up and then bringing it flat again, remembering to check the compass points when you switch it, worked very well.

I know I will be using my planisphere for many years to come.

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Sounds great Jimmy, I know what you mean about the tourch. Looks like a clear night again tonight, so hopefully be able to get back out there.

The cheapest place I found to get a planisphere was amazon but unfortunately they are out of stock at the moment. You can find them on eBay but they seem to be expensive on there and you need to make sure obviously that you get the right one for the hemisphere that you are in.

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Cloudy in north hampshire! :) Mine is the same story as Jimmy Stix. I've had my planisphere for a year now and with my trusty bins have got to know the night sky reasonably well. My first telescope, an Explorer 130, was delivered friday, just waiting to use it now.

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This is typically the most frustrating time, just brought myself a webcam Spc880 and only had 1 1/2 clear night's of viewing, im hoping this weekend will be sunny so i could do some solar viewing, also get out and get some night imaging, this week we see the full moon.

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