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New! :) and would like some help!

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Hey Everyone,

New member and new to the astronomy world! Always had a fascination but never done anything further... So now i am :icon_eek:

21 years old, just finishing my degree and having a crisis that my future is now in science... so this is my first step to finding out.

Also i live in the Northwest of the UK, anyone know any member clubs or places to visit?

I have no equiptment as i thought i would research first what to do/get. Any advice would be appreciated as i've read in the 'Essential reading for those who are thinking about getting into Astronomy !' that my best bets are possibly to start with binoculars and then progress.

Thanks in advance :D

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I started with bins in December (the 25th) and was amazed at what I could see - it convinced me to upgrade to a scope and I purchased one today.. But yeah, bins are a great way to get started, however I only feel that once you have had a taste you`ll certainly want more!

FYI, I have a pair of Celestron Skymaster 15x70 - I think I paid about £50 for them and they are outstanding. Great for nature/daytime use as well (as long as you have a bit of muscle to hold them steady)

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Welcome along :icon_eek:

Bins are a good idea, but as simms said it wont be long til you want more.

I jumped in at the deep end and splashed out on a scope straight off, but it has a GOTO system that automatically points to the targets you want to look at. I'd say it was deffinetly worth the cash, but did cost a few pennies.

Another way to learn the sky is with a free program called "Stellarium", its a planetarium software that shows you whats up there at any given time, very useful!!

You say you're a graduate of science, what course did you study?? Im currently in my 3rd year of a physics degree


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Binocs are a great way to kick off in this game. And I second the vote for "Stellarium". Once you've decided how you want to progress (eg telescopes) let us know what you want to see and what your likely budget is and someone is bound to help. Meanwhile enjoy the forum and welcome on board :icon_eek:

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Hi, welcome to SGL :icon_eek: Binoculars are the best place to start. You can learn your way around the sky and hopefully in doing so you can decide where your interest lies. Then you can think about what kind of scope you need.

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Thank you again for your welcomes :evil6:

Unfortunately i don't have that many pennies to spend on something spectacular and so will continue with what i can have haha. Anyone recommend any other bins? Just want to look around the market? Don't want to spend a fortune as you guys said i will want more :D and then i have more for a scope.

I've downloaded "stellarium" for my Iphone, just not had chance to put it to the test just yet, but certainly looks pretty good and helpful. Looks like clear skies up my end for tonight (fingers crossed!)

Welcome along :icon_eek:

You say you're a graduate of science, what course did you study?? Im currently in my 3rd year of a physics degree


I will be a graduate soon but not of science unfortunately :) (of Business) and like i said having a small crisis where i want to change fields, i suppose i got dragged in one direction and now im coming to the end i want to do what i really like and thats physics..? Did you enjoy your degree? where did you study?

Yeah, of course Brantuk i'll be needing advice on that as soon as i progress :)

That was my idea Mr Spock, seems to be the 'advice' stressed most around here.

Thanks in advance again!

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