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VNC Viewer

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Free software to enable you to clone a remote computer.

Basically, you install the software on both machines and set one up as a slave. You then go inside where its warm and start up the control half of the software. Input the IP address of the slave and it allows you to control the slave as if you were ssat in front of it.

Works great, I'm in the office and I can keep checking the shed machine to see when the clouds obscure the view. I can then stop recording and whizz the AVI to the office for processing.

Captain Chaos

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I use a version of it called Tight VNC but its absolutely brilliant especially for scaring the rest of the family, installed it on my dads computer without him knowing....

its also good for tapping into a computer in another room, using the control panel and going into the speech section, typing some stuff and previewing it so the computer talks without anyone in the room, really scared my sister first time I did it :D

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its also good for tapping into a computer in another room, using the control panel and going into the speech section, typing some stuff and previewing it so the computer talks without anyone in the room, really scared my sister first time I did it

Pure Evil Mr. Grant..... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its great especially as free and there are some great variations out there. It also bridges te gap if you have different OSs (i.e. Apple + XP etc)....we use all sorts at work (including VNC) but so far I have found LogMeIn (https://secure.logmein.com) is just excellent. It's free (you can have paid versions which include file transfer - which we also use) but I find it handles screen refresh better (even across a WAN) and if operating across the net you don't have to punch any holes in your firewall.

Heck it's free so try it (I don't work for them!!)...

ps - try the 'IT Reach version on the 2 week trial and then downgrade to free and you will see how scary and powerful this stuff can be!)

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