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How to know what's in the sky at what time.

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Hi Everyone

May seem a silly question but how do I know what is up in the sky at any given time with out using stellarium. I have PSA, wall maps, planesphere etc but since having a wealth of options opened up to me by GOTO I'm now finding I GOTO no where through fear of having the scope try to find a dso which would be in the floor boards of my obsy. (figuratively speaking of coarse) I feel a little out of control once those gears a start a turning and worry I'm gona have some mashed up worms if the object isn't above the horizon yet. The trouble I am finding is that most DSO's cannot be made out by eye so you can't scan the sky and say that will do. I have laptop access but cannot make out a dam thing when in night mode and too bright when not, but wouldn't be able to use it at dark sky sites any way.

Any advice guys & girls ??


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The computer will know a position for the horizon it may not be exact for your location but it won't be far off. Also the computer will not let you damage your scope by nose diving the tube into the floor it will know the range of movements for your scope.

Next time just key in some of the Messier series and see what happens if it's below the horizon it will make you pick another.

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I've used my iPhone since I started stargazing. Starmap Pro is my fave so far and it has a good night vision mode. Other than experience (I'm getting there, slowly) I've found this the best so far.

I know what you mean, though. There have been a few time when I've pressed OK on a target and the scope has shot off on a seemingly never ending slew, pulling at the power wires :)

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I did think this but you don't input you altitude so how dose it know where the horizon lies where I am??

You don't but you do enter your longtitude and latitude so the system knows where you are.

Why not have a pre made list before you go out or even get a book and a red torch? I would have thought using a screen of somekind would ruin your 'night eyes' wouldn't it?


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You don't but you do enter your longtitude and latitude so the system knows where you are.

Why not have a pre made list before you go out or even get a book and a red torch? I would have thought using a screen of somekind would ruin your 'night eyes' wouldn't it?


This was going to be my original plan but due to the P*** poor weather lately I don't know when or what time I can get out so making a list seemed pointless.

I like the idea suggested by Talitha using the planesphere and PSA will be best for me as this would also work at a dark site for manual locating.

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.


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If you get Ian Ridpaths book The Monthly Sky Guide each month it selectes a constellation that is basically nice high and easy to find. As in it is easily observable.

You could simply work your way through the depicted constellation and the DSO's that are identified as being in it.

One a month is easy and with the number of rotten nights we have should be achievable. :):evil6:

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Thanks Michael this is a good link and will come in handy. BTW If you have a sister named Cheryl tell her I want to marry her :)

We are distantly related. :DI have been told our grandfathers were brothers. Whether that is a family myth or true I do not know. I have however never seen or talked to her.

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I think Stellarium has an option for a red screen. With it set correctly, you can use the laptop.

Or am I missing the point . . . again.

No, you're spot on rabbithutch - it's the night mode button on the bottom menu, and it's red all right! Thanks for that, I wasn't aware it was an option :)

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FWIW, Stellarium on the iPhone also has a night vision option. I find Stellarium difficult to use, even with the night vision option because I've lived long enough for presbyopia to take hold. I must wear glasses to see the screen, whether iPhone or netbook, but don't wear them with binocs. Switching back and forth is a nuisance as are many of old age's attributes. Having said that, a planosphere or pocket guide or any other materials requiring reading suffer the double burden of requiring illumination and eyeglasses; so I generally use the iPhone unless I feel the need for a larger screen (which is rarely as I'm observing with binoculars for now).

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Sorry to hear that rabbit. Sounds like you need 2 pairs of hands. FWIW would it be worth trying these LED LIGHTED PROTECTIVE GLASSES (SAFETY EYEWEAR): Amazon.co.uk: DIY & Tools bit of red sharpie on the lenses and away you go. They also make them without protective lens for spectacle wearers but I can't find them on the net. Some plumbing shops sell them.

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