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The funny things people say without realising it!


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I wouldn't usually post any of the daft things my family say, but last night my eldest boy had us in stitches, and thought you might get a snigger too.

So there we were, enjoying as a treat for the kids, a late night showing of "Star Wars - A new Hope", and we get to the bit where R2D2 and C3PO bundle into the escape pod and jettison off to Tattooine.

I mentioned to my lad that the International Space Station has an escape pod for the astronauts there. His reply was priceless.

"Really? Is that in case anyone tries to break in?"


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....reminds me of a friend's small son telling me I had to turn off all my electrical things at the plug before I went out.... and the reason for this he thought ..... so that if I was burgled the burglar wouldn't be able to watch telly :)


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I wouldn't usually post any of the daft things my family say, but last night my eldest boy had us in stitches, and thought you might get a snigger too.

So there we were, enjoying as a treat for the kids, a late night showing of "Star Wars - A new Hope", and we get to the bit where R2D2 and C3PO bundle into the escape pod and jettison off to Tattooine.

I mentioned to my lad that the International Space Station has an escape pod for the astronauts there. His reply was priceless.

"Really? Is that in case anyone tries to break in?"


LOL TJ. You'll be owing your son an apology the moment NASA releases footage of a North Korean soldier breaking down the hatches and storming the ISS! :D

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When I was doing my film based astrophotography I used a local chemist for processing as the owner was a keen photographer and very happy to muck about getting the appropriate exposure on my varying shots.

Anyway one day I popped in to pick up my latest batch. That day I only spoke with one of the ladies who served at the counter. I was keen to rip open the packet and see what I'd got.. I must have looked pleased with one of the shots, as the conversation moved to the photos. I explained they were photos of the stars, I was then asked if I used a flash....

I didn't try and explain why not.


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I told my wife I was ordering the Explorer 200P DS on a EQ6 PRO GOTO mount in the new year. As she walked into the kitchen she paused, turned around, smiled and said "You say the funniest things at times". ;)

I'M STILL GOING TO THOUGH.....:):cool::D:cool:

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Several years ago my now ex-wife was reading a newspaper article about how the prices now and thirty years ago had changed. "1972" she said. "That's the year we were born..... except I was one and you were two". There's nothing quite like thinking with your mouth open.

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Maybe they should fit a burglar alarm.

I had a patient come to see me and told me they were suffering with tittiness. A bit pompously I suggested they meant tinnitus. "Ah yes," he said, "that rings a bell" Took me 5 minutes to recompose myself.

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Somebody I know thought that the Sun and the Moon were the same thing......

And yeah, it's astounding how many people don't know that the Earth orbits the Sun. Perhaps it's biased of me to be astounded by that - I guess that astronomy just doesn't concern some people in the same way that it does us lot.

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Somebody I know thought that the Sun and the Moon were the same thing......

And yeah, it's astounding how many people don't know that the Earth orbits the Sun. Perhaps it's biased of me to be astounded by that - I guess that astronomy just doesn't concern some people in the same way that it does us lot.

I think it's because day to day concerns override any consideration for what else may be. After all, who cares if we go around the sun or the sun goes around us when you've got kids to feed and overtime at work? I suspect that there is something innate about passing time during the day with usual human activity that makes us lose perspective on all things, especially our place in the Cosmos.

Ironically from a pragmatic ("What's wrong with not knowing?") perspective, these folks I met at the star party are missing out on life;

"If you're scientifically literate, the world looks very different to you. ... And that understanding empowers you" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I hope that they took something of valuable away with them (other than astronomers don't like bright white light at star parties).

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I haven't had someone say an odd thing about astronomy like the others in this thread, but I did once show my mum the crescent phase of Venus through my telescope and she thought it was the moon (which at the time was 30 degrees east). She sounded like she nearly had a heart attack when I turned it to the real moon and she saw the immense amount of detail visible :)

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