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William Optics Megrez 90 APO - Looked at but not through..... so far


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These Skywatcher scopes going to look like the Celestron Onyx per chance? or more WO than that?

Not sure at the moment; I haven't seen the pic but a customer phoned me this morning to say that he had. (Gaz has seen some pix, perhaps he can fill the gaps). Crazy isn't it, whilst they were announced in Canada a few months back and are being advertised in US mags, the UK importer is still tight-lipped!

People tend to assume that they all come from the same Taiwanese factory as the WO stuff but there are actually two large manufacturers of astro/optical equipment (that I know of) in Taiwan. Both can make kit to whatever spec/quality is required.

One thing is for sure - these are good times for those keen on short-tube refractors and, if you are not badge conscious, there are some real bargains to be found.

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These Skywatcher scopes going to look like the Celestron Onyx per chance? or more WO than that?

I've only seen pictures of the 80mm (I believe the other is a 66mm?), it was a while ago but going from memory the main upgrades they had were a retractable dew shield, 10:1 fine focuser and a shorter focal length (f6 against f7.5 currently). I think they also come in a metal carry case. Obviously pitched a the travel crowd, the big "if" is how much the drop to f6 affects the CA.

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I've got a Megrez 90 too! Had it a few months now.. I really love it. The fact it looks and feels good just adds to my pleasure - and it means it can live in the corner of the living room ready to be outside in a moment (should the Welsh weather ever cooperate briefly!)

The only thing that bugs me is the L bracket. WHY did WO design it like this?? Its the wrong shape and so needs an additional plate to fit in a dovetail. WO's literature says to use one ring and the L bracket to mount it - but the heights of the L bracket and the ring are different so this doesn't work - and to put on two rings gets you too far forward and with the wrong balance. That said, it works fine with the WO plate (except the dewshield won't fully retract without removing the plate). I'm a bit miffed that I bought something on WO recommendation which doesn't work and in fact I didn't need at all! Anyone need a set of 90mm rings?? (very nice from TH).

The rotating focusser is really useful. I use my Megrez with a Giro mini alt-az and it means it keeps the focus knobs in the right place.

I'm only a beginner and so completely unqualified to give a technical report on the scope. But I enjoy the views!

My favourite views so far have been of the double cluster with a 16mm WO UWAN - WOW! keep going back to it.. Now waiting for the planets to reappear to try out the Nagler 3-6 zoom I bought from Steve..

Hope you get first light soon John.


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Hi Helen,

I'm glad to know there is someone else with one of these !!.

I'm scratching my head over how to mount the scope using the L bracket to my AZ-3 altazimuth mount - I was going to try tube rings but I'm thinking (as you have found) that the centre of balance of the tube won't be right. How much does the WO plate cost ? - is this the ting they refer to as a "combo plate" in the manual ?. Thanks for the tip about the L bracket not being the same height as a tube ring - what make of ring were you using ?.

Do you use a finder scope by the way - if so what type and how do you attach it ?

Other than that I'm very impressed - but still waiting for 1st light !!.


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Hi John,

Yes I use the William Optics Vixen Compatible Dovetail Plate (the one at the bottom on this page http://www.f1telescopes.co.uk/accessories_shop.php?id=105&level=3) cost £40. It works fine for stability and balance - I've used two screws to attach it to the scope just to be sure. Arthur VERY kindly sent me a couple of the right length free of charge. My weight is probably a bit greater than yours as I've got the 2 inch carbonfibre diagonal.

The rings I bought are the Revelation rings (but they look identical to the WO rings, just half the price!).

I use a Rigel quikfinder at the moment - attached by a couple of elastic bands!! Its not pretty (my husband says it looks like something that came out of a cracker!), or completely stable, but it does the job well. I'm looking for a better way to attach it though...

Hope that helps

Clear skies soon I hope!


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Thanks for those ideas Helen,

I've asked Arthur if he can make me an adaptor plate so that I can use the 3 holes in the L bracket to attach the scope firmly to my AZ-3. Then I'm going to look into a red-dot finder - Tele Vue do a version which comes with velcro straps so it will fit any tube - probably cost a few £'s if it's TV though...

Still waiting for a gap in the clouds !!!.


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I have just got the WO Rdf finder (Cheap it isnt) along with the quick release mount for my Zs66 and find its good.It has 4 different target shapes,ie single dot,crosshair etc.Also 7 different brightnesses and can still see the dot in bright daylight.

I know i could of got a cheaper finder,but couldnt do with all the setting it up every time i got the scope out of the case.This way i tighten up one thumbscrew and away i go.


Just scroll down half a page.

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Thanks Kai Herb,

That looks a great finder but has to be one of the most expensive "red dot" type finders around !.

At the moment my cunning plans for a finder are i) to try and re-use an old Skywatcher red dot finder I have or ii) to got to a 2 inch diagonal and get a 50mm plus 2 inch eyepiece so the scope is the finder or iii) look into Tele Vues red dot finder which comes with an adjustable velcro strap to fit it to a veriety of scopes - could be nearly as expensive as the WO one though...

Mind you unless these clouds go away I won't be needing a finder at all .... :-(


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