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Crescent nebula close in

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Fantastic CC , YOU,RE THE MAN , great image , i know how hard that one is i tell ya , a great job on a very very difficult object


Rog :D

Now I never thought I'd see the day that I'd get such a comment off Rog. Not that he's not forthcoming with his compliments, but that I never expected to be able to do such an image. What a thrill to see the cloudless sky, to have the batteries charged, the K3CCD work first go and get the focus to work. Its been one of those nights where stuff does as its told without having to be shouted at.

Thanks guys and girls for your comments, I have treated myself to a beer or three, but the promised rain still hasn't arrived. I may have to go out again.

The recent discussions about gain settings and gamma settings have helped tremendously with making the thing work, so its you guys who are to blame for this image being good, I just buy the gear, press the buttons and drink beer while it does its stuff.

Captain Chaos

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