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New Zoom Eyepiece from Baader


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Well seeing that it's TS selling the eyepiece and they are a business partner with Baader, it's perhaps not a surprise they are first to sell.

You're right Steve, it does look like a spotting scope eyepiece. Perhaps that's all it is, which wouldn't be a bad thing. I was looking at spotting scope the other day. Noticed that despite using a zoom eyepiece, the exit pupil (4-5mm) and eye relief (most were 14mm to 18mm) were still very good. Where as the cheapo astro zoom eyepieces are terrible on both counts.


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How is it that Germany has got them before us then ? - or this this dealer pre-selling stock that has yet to be delivered ?.


Because my friend, unless its made in the UK the rule of thumb is: USA first, European mainland second, Uk third. That is unless they see a bigger market in China, then we come fourth.

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Steve, I am so impatient I couldn't wait and ordered a 21mm and a 13mm. It was a toss up between 2 Baaders or a William Ewan and the Baaders won. Hope I don't regret it, already fearful that I should have gone for the extra optical quality. Never mind, looking forward to trying them out. :D


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I have used a Vixen LV zoom (8-24) and enjoyed using it lots. The only reason I sold it was because of the small FOV. If this zoom gives 50* or higher throughout the range then it will be an excellent addition to anyones collection of plossls. I doubt however that it can compete with other baader hyperion eyepieces at the same focal length for image quality, disregarding FOV

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