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NGC 40 (Caldwell 2)....F16 DSO imaging :-)


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Hello all.

Even though I love my TMB, I do miss having a long focal length scope for the really small targets, objects like this lovely planetary nebula, so, taking a lead from the lunar and planetary guys, I put a 2x Televue barlow onto my setup, giving a focal ratio of F16, and this is the result.

4 minute subs were about the longest I could go without too much blurring at 2400mm focal length as the seeing was very unsteady. At that focal ratio, my 6 inch scope is very slow, so what I caught was pretty faint and I didn’t catch any of the fainter nebulosity, so I may well revisit this object with a larger scope at a later date.

It is about 1 light year across, and lies 3500 light years away from us, in the constellation of Cepheus.

It was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1788.

Full sized image here…..

pic and description page

Imaged with a TMB152 @ F16, Atik 16HR.

All subs 4 minutes.

Ha luminance layer used.

Ha x 10

R x 11

G x 11

B x 17

Total imaging time. 3 hrs 16 minutes

Imaged on the 30th August 2010.




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Thanks all.

John, I'd been meaning to try some long FL work with the scope since I first got it, but my only other attempt was with the irregular galaxy NGC 3718, and although the scale was good, F16 was much too slow, but I reasoned that a PN like this would be compact and bright enough not to need excessively long subs. I also shot some OIII and SII, but at 4 minutes there was not enough signal to bother using them.



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Great idea, Rob. This would never have occurred to me but it has now! I can see some experiments with the TEC coming on... Even if the system isn't perfect it is nice to get to those little fellas and they are often quite bright.

Lovely colour in your image.


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might have a blast at this one myself has this image been cropped

Go for it. The 9.25 will do a good job. :blob10:

Try and push the exposure time up a bit if you can, and maybe throw in some Ha binned 2x2 to see if you can catch any of the outer streamer, which comes from the top left corner.

There's just been a little cropping at the edges where the frames didn't quite match, but apart from that, nothing, and the image hasn't been resized.



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