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NGC6995 The Veil Nebula


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Yesterday was my 40th birthday and I spent a great day with friends, enjoying the great weather and drinking a little too much champagne and red wine. To top it all off last night's skies were very clear so despite being a little too drunk to be setting up for an imaging session......I did and managed to take a few snaps of M13, M51 and the Veil Nebula. Anyway, here's my first attempt at processing The Veil Nebula.


NGC6995 The Veil Nebula by ashworthacca, on Flickr

Baader Modified Canon 1000d on Orion ED80, Unguided, 20x180secs lights and 5x180secs darks, ISO800, Stacked in DSS and processed in PS.

Comments and criticisms always welcome. Thanks for looking

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Thanks guys, I would have gone for longer subs if I could have got my head around guiding with my Synguider (I've used it a couple of times but still not 100% sure I know what I'm doing) but I'm quite happy with what I ended up with.

Here's M13 from last night too.


M13 Great Globular Cluster in Hercules by ashworthacca, on Flickr

20x180 secs lights, 5x180 secs darks, stacked in DSS and processed in PS

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