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Celestron C6-S

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Some time ago i dropped my Explorer 200 broke last April after i dropped it :) Anyhoo now im thinking of getting a new telescope, im only a casual night sky observer and tend to prefer reading about the night sky rather than watching it for some reason. So im not after something flash or wanting to spend too much because i wont use it too often if im honest. Im thinking of the Celestron C6-S, i think it looks like a nice spec for a reasonable sum of money. It should let me see a similar amount to my explorer and be a lot smaller.

Does anyone have any experience with this telescope?

Whats probably best for my needs with a budget of £500-600? The CS6 being smaller isnt a feature im after, its just a good selling point so im happy to go back to something like the E200.


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It'll be right, all the Celestron SCTs are cheaper with the mount than without. Don't ask me why.... :)

Actually, not all of them.

The C6 certainly is and I hadn't spotted that until you pointed it out :oops:

(Have just removed the OTA option from FLO's website!)

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They try to sell whole telescope systems not components. When i brought a CG5 from Adam, it was £750 for the CG5 or £650 for the C6N and CG5. Much wierdness.

Dont forget that it doesn't cost them anywhere near that price to actually manufacture the components, so they can almost choose there own profit margins. I must also stress that it's celestron that force these prices, not the resellers/importers

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