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Canon 300d

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Hi Martin, the 300D is an excellent choice for astro imaging. It's been superseded twice now though. The 400D is the latest model, with the 350D being the previous version. Depends what you budget is really. I bought my 300D for £200 with remote, T-adapter and 2" adapter. Col recently bought his for £230 with the 18-55 zoom as well. So they represent excellent value, plus if truth be told, they are every bit as capable for astro work as the 350D/400D. Hence why i went back to one and pocketed the difference.

If your planning on being big in the daylight photography stakes, then newer 400D would be worth the extra cash. I personally wouldn't bother making that little saving over the 400D by opting for 350D. The 400D has some worth while upgrades. Such as bigger screen for starters. You can pickup a 350D for just over £400 new. The 400D is just over £500 at the moment.



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No problem holding it for you. I've just been rocked by a huge financial disaester (actually i just lurch one to another). Got no choice but to sell everything. I can hold the camera till end of November if that helps?


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If buying new or upgrading from a 300D a 400D is the baby to go for , if you had a 350D stick with it for a while the 400D doesn't look to offer a big enough improvement to justify upgrading to it yet but the 5D would be a whole different matter, drool :).


Thanks Alan, I have a 350D and was wondering about the 400D - the main useful differences seemed to be the slightly larger LCD size & 10Mb rather than 8Mb - but a lot of money just for that. I will stick with my 350D until the next upgrade (450D or 500D).

Now a 5D od 20Da - that is another matter - just one problem - the cost.


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