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A ring of filaments (19th August)


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It didn't really clear at all properly yesterday so this one was captured through cloud. This plays havoc with the levels on the individual mosaic panes so there are some light and dark bits this time round. The superimposed heliocentric grid identifies the orientation of the Sun's disk to the equatorial (RA/Dec) co-ordinate system. It also illustrates that the filament train in the northern part of the disk is actually wrapping around the 60 degree North line of latitude. Without the grid the train simply looks tilted on the disk.


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Wow... gorgeous pic! I've been using a borrowed PST for a couple of weeks now, and am seriously hooked. I can see why people get so addicted to solar observing. I've got to get one for myself, but at £450 a time I'll either have to do work 24hrs a day for a month or sell a kidney or something... ;-)

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