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Witch's Broom Neb, NGC 6960


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This fitted nicely into the FOV, with the 250px and 1000d.

About 2 hours of data, mixture of ISO800 and 1600, 300s exposures. Darks and flats.

Got cloudy about 1am so packed up early. Processing is a bit ropey as always, but I'm pleased with the framing.

Thanks for looking



Got a run at this with GradientXterminator, very good program.

Looks like this now, a little noisy, but nothing a few more subs won't cure.


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We've had clear nights for the past three nights, and all the street lights have also been off for the past week! Coincidence? Let's hope it takes them a long time to getting around to fixing them. I did have to compete with a big rugby grounds flood lights about 400 yards away until 11:30pm, why oh why they were on to that time I'll never know, but it left my images looking quite blue, as the light pollution filter did nothing for that particular wavelength.

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I have a soft spot for the Veil. It is so enchanting visually, even my wife was breathless at the sight and she still comments on it now. Also, my first SGL PoW was a pic of the western veil. Nowhere near as good as this though :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys for all the great comments!

I got another three hours on this, but the data was quite poor. The sky background reading was 20%+, but I went ahead and add it anyway.

I think it has helped a bit, but please let me know!


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That's certainly better than my attempt so far; any chance of a pic of your imaging environment setup in the night (a wide-angle DSLR 30-40 sec exposure on a tripod with the scope and sky in the frame) ; it puts it into perspective and lets us see what conditions you are dealing with..

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Here is a 30s exposure of my skies from earlier in the month using a 18-55 lens, set at F4.5 similar to my scope which is F4.7, at ISO 1600. The street lights were actually OFF in the surrounding streets for this photo due to a technical problem as well!!!


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