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Dewed Off

Martin 2

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Anyone got any advice on dew solutions for newtonians?

The only dew problems I have are with the secondary. I'll tried a dew shield on the end of the tube which is okay but not a complete solution. I wondered about a applying a little heat to the back of the secondary, but I'm not much good at electrical DIY. Presumably dew strips are only meant for SCTs?

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Anyone got any advice on dew solutions for newtonians?

The only dew problems I have are with the secondary. I'll tried a dew shield on the end of the tube which is okay but not a complete solution. I wondered about a applying a little heat to the back of the secondary, but I'm not much good at electrical DIY. Presumably dew strips are only meant for SCTs?

I was just about to ask the very same question, when i read your post. It must be because we have the same name. :rolleyes:


PS What are you planning on using as a Dew shield on your Newt?

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Anyone got any advice on dew solutions for newtonians?

The only dew problems I have are with the secondary. I'll tried a dew shield on the end of the tube which is okay but not a complete solution. I wondered about a applying a little heat to the back of the secondary, but I'm not much good at electrical DIY. Presumably dew strips are only meant for SCTs?

Dew strips are used on Refractors, Maks, SCT's, eyepieces, finders, binoviewers, handsets and even Newtonians :shock:

You can use a small eyepiece heater at the back of the secondary and that will do the job. A suitable resistor properly wired would also work in that position and might be better. You've got to keep the heat output low to avoid air currents in the light path. More of a problem for Lunar/Planetary people than for DSO types.


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So on a Mak. where would the dew strip go? Round the outside of the front glass or round the dewshield?

Captain Chaos

CC, I put the strip around the corrector then fit the dewshield.

More effective that way

sounds like i might need one of them. How much do they cost, and from where?

there's an old unused hairdryer about. how would i power that thing?


another Andrew!

I sell the Dew-Not range of heaters strips which use less power and don't need an expensive controller, just an adaptor cable or splitter. http://www.modernastronomy.com/catalogue.html under Dew control (believe it or not!)

I used to use a hair dryer but it's a faf and once you've used heater strips you won't go back.


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