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The Sun as a single pixel


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Oh dear, I just wet myself :mad:

I mean where would we be on that scale as a person(incomprehensibly small) i'm always amazed at how small and insignificant we really are, and how we can still look upon such great things.

I think we forget just how amazing the discoveries we have made as mankind are!

thanks for a great post:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just spotted this, great image.

That is Awsome i didnt even see all the other ones how big would that new star R136a1 be on that scale

Crowther's paper gives a radius of ~35 times that of the sun, so it's actually rather small in these terms.

Always sets me wondering what these stars do look like close-up.

The largest stars probably aren't spherical - both red supergiants and yellow hypergiants look to be non-radial pulsators (see Astronomy at Vienna University » Research for example) and have very low surface gravities so are barely holding themselves together against radiation pressure. They're also losing mass at huge rates, as much as a solar mass every thousand to ten-thousand years, to the extent that the wind is opaque at at least some wavelengths and it's somewhat debatable where the edge of the star is - if you measure stellar radii with interferometry you get different answers depending on the wavelength you pick.

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