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Laser star finder

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Last night while knee-deep (I was kneeling) in mud, I had an idea. What if, instead of looking through the finderscope I instead mounted a 1mW green laser and used the beam from the laser to target the scope?

It would be almost as accurate and far more ergonomic. Plus it would show anyone else standing around the area what you're focussing on.

Just a suggestion - has anyone done this yet? Do you think it would work?

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I have a 9 X 50 straight through finder on my 250PX but also have the green laser bracket attached to the OTA.

I think it is much easier to use the green laser as a finder and use it most of the time.

The big advantage i find is when the OTA is pointing straight up there is no backbreaking manouvres as there would be with a conventional finder.

The only downside is that these green laser pointers DO NOT LIKE THE COLD!!!

Once i have located the target using the laser i remove it from the bracket and pop it into my pocket. Simples!


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saw one in action at the scag meet in june, very impressive and i know some people love it but to echo haitch's comment they really hate the cold and damp, try a telrad theyre fab and imo a lot more accurate

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I have a green laser and find it much easier to use as a first step to point my dob. For me it is much better then red dot finders and the Telrad. After getting the dob to roughly where I want it, I use 50mm RACI finderscope to home it on the exact position. With a wide angle eyepiece, one could go directly from the laser pointer to the eyepiece. I have not noticed any problems with my laser pointer in winter, so it is left permanently in the bracket.


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I bought one of those green lasers and brackets from SnS. First laser was weak and faulty, the replacement one works occasionally, when it feels like it, in any case I can't rely on it ... not sure if it's partly the environmental conditions but I personally, cannot recommend them for reliability. I really wish I could, it seems like a great idea !

I think I'm going to invest in an RA finder at some point, tempted to try a red-dot unit also.


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Amazing forum - thanks for all the replies. I thought I had discovered a really cool trick all by myself and then.. not only is it a common thing to do but businesses are flogging them, too! Oh well, off onto the well trodden path I go.

For those of you using red dot sights - what makes them better than a laser that you keep warm in a pocket? (edit: It would get v. cold if attached to the scope in the Winter - I can see that now!) The laser seems like a more preferable option to me. It's cheaper - more people can participate and it's easier on the neck!

Having said that, I live near an airport and I wouldn't want them to think that I'm targeting aircraft - so I will probably use the red dot sight to be sociable.

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Having said that, I live near an airport and I wouldn't want them to think that I'm targeting aircraft - so I will probably use the red dot sight to be sociable.

This is the only reason I dont use one in my garden (right under flightpath).

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Re the right angled finder, forgive me for being a bit thick here but does the eye piece rotate any on the finderscope, if it needs to at all?

Having alot of problems with my neck and spine i cannot use the finderscope on my explorer 200P in fact i found it down right impossible to be honest so i too am leaning to a laser finder if a right angled finder is not the way forward.

Finally not being gifted with my hands (my old dad reckons its because i was a white collar worker LOL!! :) ) how simple would it be to fit a AC666 Laser-Mate universal laser pointer telescope mounting to a explorer 200P, in other words could a idiot fit one?

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