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Help finding DSLR Camera

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Evening all,

Im needing advice in what DSLR camera to buy, I've been looking at an Nikon d3000 and wanted your thoughts on this camera. Not only do i want to use this camera for astrophotography but also pics of my family etc. What i want to know is this camera good for long exposures for dso objects and can i control it via my pc as it does not have live view.

If anyone could recommend a better camera in same price range that would be great.

Thanks for reading and please fire ahead any questions.


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The Canon 1000d, 300d, 400d and 450d are popular astro cameras and often feature in the imaging forums.

For this reason I bought the 1000d because there is a wealth of experience, astro support and software available here.

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I have a few DSLR's (6 at the last count) and use Canons for astro and Nikons for general Photography...

I swore I would never buy a Canon (havign been a Minolta man in 35mm days and Nikon in DLSR's) but now have 3 for Astro use ( a filter removed 350D , A filter replaced 1000D and an as yet "virgin" 500D and have had a short term daliance with another 450D...

As already mentioned its was the software support that swung me over.. Canon give you everyhtign you need to contol the computer from a PC in the BOx... no need to go an buy another app... althoud Yoddhas excellent APT is superb value for only a few euros... It allows me to run several cameras at the same time from my netbook...

The Latest Nikkons are superb cameras and a lot lower noise than my Nikon D50 and D200 but I havent been tempted back to them for Astro use...

The 1000D is being phased out so you might find a bargain..


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Dont worry theres nothign wrong with it... Asda were sellign them for £279 with the 18-55 a few weeks ago - I almost bought another one...

I guess Canon are rationalising their product lines... they wont drop support for it...

It was always a strange camera in the canon line up...

Their Digital ranges have consisted of xD (Professional) , xxD (semi pro or prosumer) , xxxD (amateur) so the 1000D was the first of the xxxxD entry level cameras...

I think its a great astro cam for the money I bought one as sson as the first pics started comign out taken with it... and within a few months had it in bits to remove the filter throwing away the warranty...

The move is to offer HD video on the DSLR's and Nilon and Canon will alwys try and keep up with each others latest developments...

Have a look at this... its a bit out of date as the 550D is out with 19MP and gapless microlensign on the sensor...

The 2000D is not far away....


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I use a Canon 400D for general purpose photography and was delighted with it compared to my disappointing SLR efforts. And then I tried using it for astrophotography, the lack of a liveview drives you mad!. Whatever you decide to buy, make sure it has this feature.

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All i can say is that the Canons are the most popular with astronomers.....be it the 450D,1000D,50D etc.

Canon MUST be doing something right for so many astronomers worldwide to use their product.

Nikon also make fantastic cameras. I have a couple of P&S digicams that are nikon and i know many professional photogs that will ONLY use Nikon SLRs

The 1000D is being phased out?

But SURELY it is Canons best selling camera?

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I'm using a Nikon d70, supposedly the noise levels are good with the CCD over the CMOS used in Canons (plz someone correct me if I'm wrong here). But the software and firmware is terrible; very difficult to work around the automatic median filtering (I usually don't bother), also the only way for 30s+ exposures is using an IR remote. The pain involved here makes it no surprise to me the Canons are more popular.

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I'm not sure that the amount of money put into R&D to make the sensors and processing technology in the camera as good as can be, will mean the cmos based Canons will be any worse than the CCD based Nikons. An SLR will be capable of producing good results, and for normal photography the ergonomics of the camera is probably more important (it needs to feel comfortable in use) than anything else. However, there just seems to be far more support of the Canon's for astro, the majority of people seem to use them, that's why, when I was looking, the Canon was at the top of the list. I also think, Canon are the only SLR manufacturer to have produced Astro specific SLR's (with the IR block filter already removed).

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Afternoon All,

Many thanks for all the replys, They have been extremely helpful.

DSLR cameras are so expensive and wanted one that is going to last me at least 2-3 years before i decide to go for an upgrade.

Going to pop up jessops this afternoon and have a look at there cannon range but will probably go with the 1000d as most of you have it and the help is out there for a newb like myself.

Once again thank you very much to everyone who replyed.

Will keep you all posted on what i buy :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning all

I am now a very proud owner of a Canon 1000d. I fitted a new bathroom for my parents when they were away on holiday as a suprise and they suprised me by buying me this camera as i mentioned something about it a while ago.. Bless em!

I am over the moon with this camera not only is it quite compact and light but also looks the biz to :D

I took it out with the family round the rare breeds centre on sunday embarrassing the wife as she said i looked like a japanese tourist with it hanging round my neck!! I am very amazed with the quality of the pictures it takes but i have alot of work reading the manual and figuring out how to use this piece of kit to its full potential ( a very daunting task for someone who knows nothing about DSLR camera's).

Im just figuring out the diffrance between iso and exposure com etc and what 1/200 means etc etc lol

Well thanks very much for the help everyone, its very much appreciated.


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hi joe

I am in the same boat as you totally new to DSLR's got myself a 550D with 18-55 & 55-250 stock lenses looking at 150-500mm zoom and 150mm macro these cost more than the camera body--- why did I do it got two expensive hobbies now lol

good luck and happy snapping

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