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My observing site

Nexus 6

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Hi to all on SGL,

Just wanted to post some detail on my observing site. It has a slight astronomical theme. Whan I can't do any observing I will just enjoy the garden, I have done all this work myself and am more than happy with it even though its taken me 2 years to complete both front and back gardens.

My aspects are as follows ,

North is facing the Hawthorn, there is plenty of light pollution from Hull and as you would expect this limits my obervations quite a lot.

South are my best skies with the lowest lp but I am restricted by my bungalow, when I get above 25deg I am good for a limiting naked eye mag of about +5. This ,as always, depends on the conditions but as an example I have been able to see M13 (mag +5.9) on certain good nights using averted vision.

West is to the left of the Hawthorn, it has my most open vista being unresticted above 20deg for a great view of the whole western part of the sky but a little lp spoils it.

My view from the East is also limited by the usual suspects. Trees, homes and more lp. I dont really get to see much untill I am looking SSE and again I don't have a flat horizon, my restriction is about 25deg.

I did'nt shown the open area of the garden that could quite easily accomidate a nice obsy, just need to accquire the funds then I can house my 925 permanently instead of having to constantly move it.

Hope you like the views.

Sorry about the quality of the shots

Clear Skies


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Those sun patios are fantastic. Really like that. You have the opposite of me. My East and North horizons are my best. West is restricted by my house. Cant see any western horizon. South is very poor with LP from Luton and trees / buildings that rule out about 25 degrees of sky.

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Those sun patios are fantastic. Really like that. You have the opposite of me. My East and North horizons are my best. West is restricted by my house. Cant see any western horizon. South is very poor with LP from Luton and trees / buildings that rule out about 25 degrees of sky.

I am exactly the same. My E and N skies are my best. My W is obstructed by my house and my S is just too overwhelmed by LP to make it PRACTICALLY USELESS.

Getting back to astronomy related patios.......

My mother told me that she once saw a circular patio (much like the Sun one there) but it actually had a detailed map of the moon carved into it.

Has anyone else ever seen such a thing?

Alan can i ask you what the diameter of the Sun patio (the larger patio) you have is?. I'm gonna stab at a guess of 10 foot.

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where abouts in Barton are you.

i come from there originally and don't recognise the streets.

moved to just south west of Lincoln now and have an old airfield (swinderby) to set up in.

btw, i think you've only posted the pics to show off your garden.

very nice it is too :)


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I love your garden Alan - I wish ours was as nicely set out as yours is but thats probably my fault for spending too much time fiddling with astro equipment and not enough gardening (my wifes theory !).

Your observing situation is similar to mine in many respects except the lights of Hull are replaced by Bristol here. Still we make the best of it don't we :)

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Thanks for the comments guys.

jobe.....My location is not to far from Baysgarth park,off Eastfield road but is not on it. Think that's enough detail.

I am about to get an Astro society going that will fill in the gap between Hull(which of course has the tolls to consider), Cleethorpes and Lincoln.

Check here on the forum to see when we have our first night


John.....The garden is my other great passion and area of interest. The wildlife that has "dropped in" is amazing, I compare this to the location I had in Hull and there is no comparison. My most rewarding natural observation was last summer, whilst sat in the conservatory,probably reading something to do with astronomy, something swept in really low above the roof, a young buzzard trying for some of the sparrows that all flew into the corner of the garden. I rushed to get my camera but noticed it pop out and cling on the side of the conifer hedge and then it was off. blumming brilliant!

Ok I know its not the middle of the scottish highlands but I am not complaning. Lets see what this summer brings.


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