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Request for goto advice...

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I've pm'ed a couple of people over this but I want a goto mount ideally for my Skymax 127. I am doing alright at the moment as I am not rushing into anything, but need some help.

I am worried that as I get into this and begin to slide down the slippery slope that I will want a range of scopes. One for planets (my Skymax), one for deep objects and an APO for imaging etc.

So ideally I want a mount that I can eventually put bigger scopes than mine on.

I have been looking at the CG5, the LXD75 and the HEQ5. They are all expensive and I think unless I can find one secondhand the HEQ5 is out of my league. What about the other two? Would they be a waste of money?

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The cg5 is a nice mount but it IS loud, i sold mine mostly because it kept waking my wife up hehe. The HEQ5 is a better mount, but as you say is more expensive. Personal preference really. The best bet is to try and get to a star party where you can see the mounts up close with your own eyes and see which you prefer (and so you can hear them too!)

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Imaging is not a problem with the LXD75. It can be quite noisy when slewing at top speed, but I don't slew at top speed so it's not a problem for me. The thing is, does it really matter if it takes an extra twenty seconds to reach a target object?

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It can be quite noisy when slewing at top speed, but I don't slew at top speed so it's not a problem for me. The thing is, does it really matter if it takes an extra twenty seconds to reach a target object?

Good point (same is true of the CG5).

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I have first hand experience with both the LXD75 and HEQ5 Skyscan. Enjoyed the LXD75 very much indeed. It and the ED80 made a nice couple, working very well together. Also used it with an ED100, 6" Newt, 6" Mak and 8" Newt. All bar the 8" worked well with the LXD.

Yes the motors were extremely noisy at max slew, too noisy to use at that speed really. Like Lee, i never used it at full slew. Personally I think the 1200x slew was just a marketing gimmick by Meade but they knew full well it could never be used at that speed.

The HEQ5 I adore. It's a different proposition to the LXD75. A class or perhaps 2 classes above the LXD and the CG5. It's quiet, real quiet at all slew speeds. At high slew speeds it sounds very cool indeed. It's super smooth and very responsive.

And have no problem pushing 2 minute exposures unguided with the DLSR prime focus on the ED100. I found 60-70secs to be the max for the LXD75 with the DSLR prime focus on the shorter ED80.

The HEQ5 is worth the extra money over both the LXD75 and CG5 but the LXD75 is still a very capable mount. And one I enjoyed owning.

Hope that helps


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Thanks for the info. Rus.

I have enjoyed the stress of deciding what to do :?

But have now decided to take a different route. In two weeks I will have some seriously good kit and look forward to sharing my experiences.

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