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130P Skywatcher end cap

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I'm very bored at work and I guess its time I asked the stupid question that has been niggling me for days.

Why does my telescopes end cap have a removable cap inset onto it? Is this for lunar obs or something? It does seem to work with just this cap removed.

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According to the box, the 130 actually comes with a solar filter that fits over the cap - however ours came with a note saying that the solar filter had been removed. Perhaps - in the UK - the solar filters were removed by the importer for safety reasons?

I've used the small-aperture hole for lunar observing when there's not a moon filter handy. (I'm assuming you've realised that the similarly-sized protrusion next to it is just a place to store the small cap when the small aperture is in use?)

The hole is offset to one side because to get an equivalent aperture with a central hole, you'd end up with both the central obstruction and the spider vanes in the way.

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If you are going to observe with out a dedicated piece of equipmet, then i would say, take all precautions that you can. were sunglasses for the first time, or even a welding screen if you have one, its not worth the risk. I think that if were to use my scope for it i would attach a camera to it and never use my own eyes.


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I dont think I would go near sun without a sunscope. Was probably a good idea to remove the filter in the first place.

Lol at finderscope...i am exactly he kind of person that WOULD have a quick look to check align. Not a good idea!

Nope Suki is definitely a night-time toy (that sounds slightly crude!)

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lol... As i said, if you buy the correct stuff from places like FLO you will be fine, but always remember you only get one set of eyes, but you can always buy more equipment and earn more money. I think it is probably a very wise idea to remove the filter. Think if you bought it for a child... What ever you do with you scope though, Enjoy IT.

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I dont think I would go near sun without a sunscope. Was probably a good idea to remove the filter in the first place.

Lol at finderscope...i am exactly he kind of person that WOULD have a quick look to check align. Not a good idea!

Nope Suki is definitely a night-time toy (that sounds slightly crude!)

I reckon I'd burn a hole in my forehead with the finder while looking at the sun through the main scope. after all, I once burned my arm reasonably badly on a halogen lamp in a ceiling light as I held up the beetroot jar to the one next to it to see if there was any left! I was obviously concentrating on the jar!

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