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First ever scope on order.

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I have just ordered a Skywatcher Explorer 150P. Hopefully I won't be cursed with cloudy nights when it arrives. I'm so excited but do apologise in advance for the numerous questions that will be heading your way.

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Hi Daisy

Am only one step in front of you If I can say anything go for the Moon took me 2 nights to see it when you do you will love it. Went looking round for 2 mins then back to moma the Moon as they say small steps

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Hi Daisy - congrats on your new scope!!! Very exciting :(

Am not sure about N.Hem but in Australia when we buy a new scope, or some astronomical goodies, we aare cursed with clouds + or - rain :( .... the time being eqivilent to the amount of $$ spent. :) A mystery for sure.;)

Enjoy, you will have a ball. :(

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....Am not sure about N.Hem but in Australia when we buy a new scope, or some astronomical goodies, we aare cursed with clouds + or - rain :( .... the time being eqivilent to the amount of $$ spent. :( A mystery for sure.;)....

That must be a global phenomenom then - it's just the same at this end of the planet :)

Congratulations on your purchase Daisy :(

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Hi there.

I took delivery of my 150p last week and have been pestering everyone on here with questions.

Had a few fantastic nights out in the garden and despite nearly falling over a hedgehog on Saturday, it has been a mixture of frustration and elation (with elation far ouyweiginhg frustration) ;):D. Even found a small grey smudge last night which I think was a galaxy or cluster or something ... how excited was I....?

Although we have had some nice clear nights, the moon is now sooooo bright. Tonight I gave up after oggling Saturn and the Moon and opted for an early night instead.


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