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SGL5 - report, thoughts, thanks, etc.


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Well well well, so much to say about a wonderful weekend. It'll make boring reading if I say it all, so I'll try and miss out the less important stuff.


This is what it's all about - seeing the folk! It was super to put faces to names, from people that I've thus far only known online: Ant, MartinB, NickH (now I know what all the PST80 fuss is all about, and was fun having use of the Skylight), TheThing (enjoy the EP!), Ford Prefect (welcome to the team!), albedo 0.39, Mutley and Mush (the 20" - what a wonderful instrument); Marky (thanks for the assistance with the focuser), and many others.

Also, it was brilliant meeting old friends - far too many to mention, but a few special mentions shoudl be made:

- Craig. Couldn't have done it without you! For use of the SatNav - I'll have my own next time! Also, I couldn't have stayed awake for that long drive back - thanks for the company.

- MikeP - all that work in the organising paid off. Thanks for making the weekend so relaxing for everyone else!!

- Jahmanson - great company and very generous sharing his kit. Was a pleasure seeing you again, John.

- FLO - really good to see you again. Thanks for bringing some nice kit.

I should say sorry to Psychobilly - only could wave a quick hi as I had some rather pressing requirements after my long drive!! Also a shame not to have seen a few people that I just missed by chance but would like to have met.


Was such a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the air. The balmy weather and clear nights helped everyone ease off and enjoy the company. The campsite is excellent - very neat and comfortable with excellent facilities.


The most important part? Not quite: you still need the above two to make a good star party! We had two clear days and two clear nights, and what a brilliant thing that was. During the day I got a look through various solar set-ups - I'm starting to love Ha solar stuff. The PST80 was extremely financially dangerous!

I had my ED120 with me and on Friday night had it on the moon and Saturn among other things. I think a lot of folk enjoyed the binoviewers in the scope. I then just wandered around, taking a look through others' scopes and enjoying the company of all. Even after a long drive from Aberdeen all day, I only got tired and gave up at 3am or so. I often find a good clear sky the best stimulant!

On Saturday I spent a lot of time with John (jahmanson), viewing through his 6" "semi-apo" :D. I had a short loan of the Skylight f/15, but unfortunately it was out of collimation... Again, I had a wander round, saying hi to all the other stargazers, getting a view here and there. I popped my camera on a static tripod and took 200+ 30s pictures - I'll make a video and startrails shot ASAP...

In short, it was an amazing event, so thanks to all for making it that :D

Can't wait for SGL6...:)



Lovely report Andrew and it was great to meet you and spend some "quality time" observing again :D

Thanks for making the journey and sharing the binoviewers and a peek though a Zeiss ortho :)

It was a great event :D


Nice to meet you Andrew. Seems like it was worht the long drive for you.

The EP is fantastic, cheers!


Great to meet you too Andrew - after all these years.

I look forward to seeing you again at SGL6.



Hi all thanks for a great evening on saturday when I visited SGL5 now I know what star parties are all about I will be camping next year and making a weekend of it.


glad the pst80 went down well... :-) sorry you had collimation woes with the F15...I had nice views Of Moon and Saturn with it ...images to follow once I clear the 339GB of Solar AVI's :-)


Hi andrew.

I agree with your comment about the balmy weather helping people ease down during the day. SGLV had a holiday camp feel about it by day (oh hang on... it IS a holiday camp) and at night, once the little red lights were glowing, people just came alive


The night sky even did it's thing for us and the only thing to break the sight of the heavens was the chatter, laughter, and the occasional clink of a glass or tin being opened.

Like you, the people were the best part and even now, there are loads of people I didn't get to meet that I would have like to. (I particularly liked the disco light rope accross the street from me).

Vintage - just a shame that Friday night saw me nearly go into Stasis because of the ice on my tent !


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