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Jupiter from February


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Having a clean up on the old PC, and came across some footage of Jupiter that I had not processed.

It's actually an LRGB image, and like Celescope, I have tons to learn.

Unlike Celescope, this is carp!!! I can't seem to get a decent colour on it, but then I'm no proficent in Photoshop yet!!

Anyway, here you are...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Daz, Jupiter is a B*stard. No getting away from it! I spent several years trying to get a decent one. I managed it ONCE.

Saturn on the other hand is IMO a much easier target! Still quite hard to get it right - but easier then Jupiter.

If you still have the AVI, try using registax and picking the frames manually for the stack (not trying to teach you to suck eggs...).


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After trying for a few years for imaging the planets , i gave up last year ,in all that time i only managed a handful 0f images, they are very time consuming and require ideal condtions for claiming good images.

thats providing all other aspects like collimation etc are spot on . some ppl really dedicate every hour possible , and thats why they get good images waiting for the right time to capture that elusive right time , so all in all . its excellent conditions , patience and good scope set up .


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Unlike Ant i find Jupiter easier than Saturn for some reason :?, like all planets though seeing does dictate how your image is going to come out. Selecting the best frames from your AVI's is deff the way to go 200 frames of ok ish frame won't compete to say 10 frames of great ones..


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