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What retirement present for £400-500

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My mate has asked me to suggest a scope for a 65 year old guy retiring from his company. He is interested in astronomy but hasn't had a scope for years.

Budget is about £400, but they've collected over £500 for him.

I suggested the 200p on an EQ5, but I'd like to hear other opinions.

I've no idea what the guy is interested in, but apparently he doesn't like mobiles etc so not the most technically able person perhaps. I also suggested a dob but my mate doesnt think that sound much good lol.



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Although it doesnt have the same "wow" factor at the presentation... then perhaps discussions with one of the astro dealers and a "gift voucher" might be a better option...?

Or how about, to retain the "WOW" factor, "borrow" a HUGE scope from a dealer but have the actual gift (if he doesn't want the HUGE scop) a voucher from said dealer (FLO????), as telescope are a rather personal thing, are they not?

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Agree with Doc. Buying a 65 year old a 200p and an EQ5 would probably mean a hernia or the scope would sit around and be unused.

Having read many instances an 80m ED refractor seems to be a good all round scope and delivers excellant results.

Unsure of prices but if in the right range I would suggest one of them.

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I agree to some extent about the size of the 8", but again I don't know him at all. My Dad is in his 60s, and he has no problem handling his 8" on an LX75 fully assembled. This guy is never gonna do photography though so an ED80 isn't the right choice imo.

I'll forward these links to my mate and see what he thinks.

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When I was asked this same question by the local Fire Service (and to choose, buy and deliver the scope to them to present to him), I ended up going for a 127Mak on EQ3-2 mount package. Ok, so he retired at 55 I think, but even so it's a good scope on a portable mount and will give some Wow-factor with the views.

Worked for me.


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