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Pythagoras and the Double Mountain


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So with the Moon high in the sky I thought I'd make my first ever attempt at a lunar sketch. I scanned the terminator for a suitable target and my eyes fell on Pythagoras. That double mountain really is something else. I love how the shadow from the mountains goes right across the crater floor and starts climbing the crater wall :)

Have tried to capture it as best as I can. I will say now though that there was more detail there that I could see than I sketched. I was getting too cold to capture it all

Scope: 8.5" Newtonian Mag x240

Filter: Blue

Seeing: 2-3

Time: 22.50 to 23.35 UT


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Ah Pythagoras, one of my favorites.. well done! :headbang: I've seen the tiny peakshadow flowing down the crater wall many times.. looks like it's slowly melting, lol. Excellent first lunar sketch. :p

(Sorry i'm so late.. my connection's been problematic.)

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Thanks for the comments. When I actually sketched it I wasnt that impressed with what I got down, but coming back to it now and seeing it with a fresh eye it looks better than I remember it !!

I think what got me onto Pythagoras that night was the relative simplicity of the main shadow area inside the crater. I started with that and got the shadow shape down as best I could. I then just grew the sketch from that point across the paper. I left the terminator shading until last.

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