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Can you 'define' a park position with an eq6


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When I finish with the scope, I need to position it horizontally to let the roll off roof close.

I manually set it to this position, then 'park to current position'

Is it possible to program this position so that it automatically goes to that same position each night I'm finished observing/imaging?

Lazy i know but it would be nice.



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Thanks Daz.

I'm not using eqmod, I'm using pc direct with v3.25. Is it still possible to do this. I'm sort of using a combination of pc control and the handset. I'd like to lose the hset altogether but find the eqmod this a bit confusing given that I don't know where the pc direct business fits in.



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Eqmod is the way forward. You can then lose the handset etc. I find it very reliable and easy to use. Don't be put off by the 'geeky' nature of the website; For mere mortals, such as us it is very friendly. You will need to buy an adapter; I use the showstring Eqdir with a USB/serial adapter however the Hitastro one hitecastro.co.uk Steve sells is supposed to be good.

The only other hassle is setting up the com port. Once it's connected it is very easy easy to use. You can almost forget it is there. It also works well with carte de Ciel planetarium software making aligning the scope very easy. I now have a joystick connected and control the scope with that, Makes adjusting it very easy

Unless things have moved on the PC direct method is very clunky and prone to failing (or at least it used to)


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I've used the pc direct method on and off for a year and so far so good, and I tend to operate the scope through CDC once alignment is done, for goto, sync, etc. BUT I use phd (which has the wee control box) for moving the scope lol, it works but I'm sure there are more sensible ways!

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I used PCdirect mode for a while but recently ditched the handset altogether and now use the HitecAstro adapter, it was certainly easier than I thought it'd be :) I use Stellarium and Stellarium Scope as the planetarium software and it works flawlessly, but I wish Stellarium listed more objects - this is where carte de Ciel wins hands down.

With your current setup you can still define a custom park position in EQMOD, just park the mount with EQMOD and not the handset. IIRC You select Park to defined position in the Park/Unpark part of EQMOD, and click Define New Park Position.

Just curious; are you doing your initial alignment through EQMOD or the handset?



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Hi Ian

Yes I do all initial alignment with the handset, then switch over to cdc. I don't have any eqmod stuff installed.

I think I might seriously look into this and see how I get on with eqmod. I thought eqmod was only necessary for peeps with older versions of the eq6, but i am wrong.



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You don't need a EQDIRECT module if you have the Synscan handset at 3.25. You can use the supplied serial cable (with the EQ6) to connect to a serial port on the PC and set the handset into PCDirect mode. This is what I do, and works 100%.

As others have said, EQMOD is the way to go. I've never actually used my handset since I tried EQMOD the first time. It is THAT good....

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When I finish with the scope, I need to position it horizontally to let the roll off roof close.


Is it possible to program this position so that it automatically goes to that same position each night I'm finished observing/imaging?

Yes it is although I don't have a handset in front of me to confirm how it's done. I'll be doing the same with my setup when I finally get a chance to put a roll off roof shed on the top of it as I've had to make my pier quite tall to get over local obstructions.


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Thanks for all the help so far.

I've bitten the bullet and downloaded and installed EQMOD. It's bucketing down here, but I'm quietly locked away in the observatory (yes having the net in the shed does have many (cough) advantages.

I've actually got it all set up, seems to be at a base level, all working. I've still to learn how to use it but it's a damn good start.

The only question i have is, do i need to use the handset each time to set date, time, then go into 'pc direct' mode each time I turn on the mount, or is there a way around this?



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Just skip by all the bumf in the HC, keep hitting enter. When it asks you if you want to do an alignment press '2' for no alignment. Then in utilities find 'PC Direct' and press enter.

You dont need to enter any info into the HC. EQMod will pick all the info it needs from the computer. I presume the computer has the correct date and time set and that you have your coordiates correctly entered into CduC. If thats the case then all will be fine.



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Just skip by all the bumf in the HC, keep hitting enter. When it asks you if you want to do an alignment press '2' for no alignment. Then in utilities find 'PC Direct' and press enter.

You dont need to enter any info into the HC. EQMod will pick all the info it needs from the computer. I presume the computer has the correct date and time set and that you have your coordiates correctly entered into CduC. If thats the case then all will be fine.



Cheers Gary

That's handy enough. I've all dates time etc entered in CDC, and coords in both.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to face exactly the same problem as soon as I can cover up my pier/scope area with a roll off roof shed...

With the EQ6 Pro's (indeed any Synscan mount) when you're using your scope move it with the handset to the position you want to park to and then rather than choosing the usual Park Scope<>>Park to HOME position option hit the down button (bottom left of keypad, not one of the movement buttons) and choose the option "Park to Current pos." This will save the position and you can then turn the power off on the mount.

Remember to start from the same parked position or your next alignment may be a little trickier than usual and don't forget to note the values on the metal setting circles so that you can put the scope back in exactly the same position if you move it/take stuff off etc.

EDIT: I really should read threads a little closer - regarding the OP's question on it happening automatically if you park to custom pos. it should go back to the previously set position...


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