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Laptop and Dew - Dont mix - Tips

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Hi All. I am looking to use my new laptop to control my scope. Worried about dew attaching itself to my lappy and things going Pete Tong. Seen a few threads on here noting the heat of the laptop will deal with any dewing issues. Is this true. Good to leave the laptop running for whlie after bringing indoors ??? Seen a few ideas on the web. Any tips, hints or general cleverness from anyone to quell my fears of no laptop after one observing session.

Thx in advance JOHN

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If you're running it off mains then any application that chews up a lot of CPU cycles will help - in the case of my MacBook Stellarium always chews up a lot and the laptop heats up nicely. I also put the laptop in a case (one of the Maplin flight cases) that I store all my cables in so out come the cables and in goes the laptop. This way I can almost close the lid when I'm not doing anything and the natural heat created by the laptop warms up the box enough to keep the dew off.

Also, the little charged with my laptop gets pretty hot, keep it in the case next to the laptop and the whole thing is kept nice and warm.

If you're running off the internal battery then just use a case, it should be sufficient ... :)


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I run 2 laptops with my rig, and dew has never been a problem.

They do get cold and start running very sluggishly this weather during an all-nighter, so I keep a blanket over them which tend to keep the heat in and keeps them warm.



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During this very cold weather I have retreated to the conservatory with the laptop by means of a long repeater USB cable and a powered hub at the scope. However, on a couple of occasions I've run a laptop outside for 4+ hours without a problem, without taking any measures to protect it.


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