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Amazed at the boy

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Last night we were looking at stars and a meteor thing and I was telling him which stars make up the plough / Uma etc.

"The second one has got a little one on top of it", he says. Looked it up today and he's right. Mizar and Alcor, almost 12' separation. He must have eyes like a thing with really good eyes, or is it me?

Captain Chaos

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Mind you, I still can't see dust lanes in Andromeda

You need a dusty eyepiece Steve :D

Jokeing aside i see them no problem i do have the advantage of years of observing though so maybe thats a factor..


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Joking aside i see them no problem i do have the advantage of years of observing though so maybe thats a factor..


I am not kidding, I have 'bottom of the test-chart' eyesight (last eye-test five years ago) but, try as I might, I can't see them :?

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I was squinting through a refractor last Friday, at Jupiter. I could only faintly make out bands on the surface, and I invited my wife to take a look. She looked at it, then said, "Am I supposed to be seeing those two dark lines across the middle of it?" :D The eyes are the last link in the optical chain...

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I'm reliably informed by her that she has 20:20 vision and that im the one who needs glasses even though i never wear them and why havn't you done the washing up and walked the dogs instead of sitting at the computer talking about telescopes with your astronerd friends? hmmmmmm now i know why I ensured that my radio lan reached all the way to the shed!

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