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PST issues

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Spoke to the telescope house.

It would seem the warranty on my PST is indeed void.

So i popped out to buy some mediocre strength glue and set myself on a mission to put the problem right for myself.

As nick explained, the glue holding the prism in place is not very strong. With a little working the prism will work free.

I noticed the issue with rust on the instrument has by no means improved, but am wondering if there is someway this could be cleaned off. Nick any ideas?

As you can see i have re position the prism as in the below diagram.


The only thing i would suggest for anyone wishing to do this as well is to make note of the position of the prism before removing as when its stuck back in place it will need to be pretty much in the same position.

something i wonder if i have done correctly here. I have counted the number of turns needed to move the prism up and down as seen below.


The final image below is how the prism originally was.


allow me to mention here that in this state, the PST would focus at lower powers. but useless for imaging with a toucam.

something which took me till my meet at Salisbury just gone to discover.

Thanks again nick.

Hopefully this will now work.

Clearly now though the rust is an issue, i wonder if this can be moved safely and how?

It goes without saying that this should not damage the safe use of the telescope in anyway.

If its sunny tomorrow, i'll take it for a test drive using the toucam

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Sorry to say the "Rust" problem can't be removed! It's actually the coating on the lens which is breaking down:(

There are three options which come to mind:

1. Live with it.

2. Replace the objective with a normal 40mm f10 achromatic doublet

3. Buy a larger telescope ( 80mm f11 Vixen?) and an C-ERF to suit and do the PST modification #1

(BTW just noticed in your second and third image.....the IR protection filter in the eyepiece holder...you may also be having a "breakdown" of the coating...Sorry!)

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(BTW just noticed in your second and third image.....the IR protection filter in the eyepiece holder...you may also be having a "breakdown" of the coating...Sorry!)

So looking at this, the only realy option is to mod it?

Since after a while i would imaging the rusting will render the telescope useless?


Edit, would it be better to cut my losses on it and flog it on ebay?

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Hello AstroTiger. My pre modded PST "rusted" 100% but still worked pretty well, in fact better than some new ones due to its excellent etalon. If you don't fancy the modding procedure I would be interested in purchasing your unit for experimental purposes.

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Hello AstroTiger. My pre modded PST "rusted" 100% but still worked pretty well, in fact better than some new ones due to its excellent etalon. If you don't fancy the modding procedure I would be interested in purchasing your unit for experimental purposes.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for that, i'll keep with it for now see what i can get from it. I have invested much time and money in trying to figure it out.

If i decide to throw it on ebay, i'll make sure you get first refusal :-)

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From my experience if you have the original purchase receipts, and are the original purchaser, and within the five warranty period given on the documentation by Coronado/ Meade you should be able to get the PST " Rust" repaired - free of charge.

I found they only replaced the objective and added an additional IR filter in the eyepiece holder, they never even looked at the issue/ problems with the original blocking filter!!

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Mine has the rusting problem. I called Meade and they gave me a repair number as I was still in the warranty period. They said it would take 4-6 weeks to repair. My friend sent his back 4 weeks after me, and got his back last week. I am still waiting for mine and going on 13 weeks....:icon_eek: My friend says the new front elements are blue now. You should call Meade, they may repair it for you as it is a long known issue. Good luck. BTW, Meade sends them to Mexico for repair. On the bright side, there's not a darn thing happening on the sun anyway!!!



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I will be taking my PST to bits for the modification at some point in the future. It has the newer blue objective, which will be redundant once I remove the etalon.

You are welcome to have it for yours. Eventually there may be a prism going too, when I can afford to replace the blocking filter.

The only thing I'd say is that I dont want to feel rushed with the mod, as the PST works just dandy as it is, and I am saving up for the best mod parts I can afford.

If you are happy to hang around, then the bits are yours.


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