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Whey hey ! got out to play at last !

Gordon G

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Went out last night for the first time in what seems like ages. Out with the intention, determined to gudiedog to work via my 80mm and guide the lx. Finally got it to work quite well. took a couple of test snaps. Didn't get any dark frames so there is a bit of noise. 350d 800 asa via lx200 @6.3. m13 1 frame 205 secs and m27 1 frame 208 secs. I have several images of m13 which i will try stack later. Can't get rid of the colour casting caused by the LP, Moon through the CLS filter don't know the processing bits well enough yet. Left the scope on m13 for well over 45 mins, didn't budge a bit. Quite happy considering i was only playing with getting the scope to guide, roll on Dalby so i can get some views from a dark sky

sorry too giddy :D




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Hi Gordon,

Happy for you that you got a chance to take a few pics...and you captured some nice data on two popular targets... I had a play with them, hope you don't mind... Maybe better, maybe not....Yours were fine as they were....Vg job...


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:shock: Cheers Rog

C'mon guys divulge some tips, :D i have played and played with cs2 trying to improve the images, just get worse and worse the more i play.

No seriously, thanks for playing Ti's' the next thing on the list to try figure out



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Hi Gordon,

My secret may be the same as Rog....I don't want to do a commercial announcement.. :D But, try Noel Carboni's Astronomy Tools....The light pollution action will take away the blue, green, red or. ?....backgrounds...Best $$$ I've invested in software & cheap...It will work worderfully with you CS2.


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Cheers doug

Seen Noel's pics before, he even tweeked one of my m45 pics before and the results were stunning. Suppose it's like everything else, just trying to get to grips with understanding what to do with the software so i know what i want/need later on.



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You're right about learning how to work with the software....I know the basics, but some marvelous stuff can be done if you really get the hang of it. I don't think I'll ever come close to Noel's work. But, I can manage some noticable improvements in my pics when I aimlessly push buttons until I get something more pleasing than when I started.... :shock:



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Looks like you have got the guiding nicely sorted Gordon. Have a look at this site for some processing tips http://www.astropix.com/HTML/J_DIGIT/TOC_DIG.HTM

What guide camera were you using. Conventional guiding isn't supposed to be that great with SCTs because of movement of the mirror but that looks impressive to me :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply martin, just got back of me Hols ! :sunny:

I use a modded q4000 webcam and guidedog via my 80mm megrez. It seems quite competent as soon as you find good settings for your setup. As Ian said earlier was done from his back yard, it was the first time i had guidedog working spot on without me needing to intervine and tap the guide buttons every 5/6 mins. I also went a got a copy of Noel's tools as well after seeing what you guys did with the images 8) . You are right about the mirror shift. The mirror lock on the lx200 works quite well once focused, when just using visually the mirror shift is a pain in the a4se when swapping eyepieces ( micro focuser is a must )



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