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Jupiter 2006-07-12


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Started imaging in daylight now!

i know what you mean Pete. I started observing Jupiter at 9.30pm. Very wierd to be observing Jupiter in broad daylight. No tripping over the tripod or losing the eyepieces.

What's even wierder is just how good Jupiter looks and has been looking for the last week or so. You would think it would be complete pants that low down but it's not. Some of the best views i've ever had.

And that's a beautiful image, absolutely outstanding! Amazing to see a pic of what i could see in the scope last night.



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Yes, nice image Pete 8)

Nothing wrong in getting your scope out in daylight

appart from the neighbours thinking your a nutter :D :D

Excellent image Pete, I'm very impressed.

BTW my neighbours know that I'm a nutter. Looking at the sun in the afternoon and stuff, evidence enough I fear.

Captain Chaos

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Thats a super image there Pete. As Russ said, its good to see an image Of what I viewed that night. The detail visible right now is terrific. I can only assume that because it is so low down that the atmosphere must increase the magnification naturally?.



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