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QUOTE Interested to see your colour exposure times. I think this totally refutes the argument that that each colour channel should have as much data as the luminence. The colour is rich and noise free.

- I have never heard of this argument, Martin, and TBH it sounds most odd to me. I never shoot anything like as much colour as lum. However, in this image the colour was not of the best and in its original form was not noise free. I Noise Reduced it quite heavily, relying on the longish Lum to put back the detail. Since I'm going to be using this image as an overlay on a very wide field shot I left it as it was for now. The faint outer stuff will be boosted in the full mosaic.

QUOTE I'll be interested to see your layer masking write up. I've never had to resort to channels in CS2 or CS4 so I'm a bit puzzled

-Maybe I'm missing something here but I couldn't get the Layer Mask operational in Layers, only in Channels. It was a helpful post in the forum which got me moving here.


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Hi Neil,

Yes, it is dark here; I chose the house specifically for astronomy. Young eyes record Mag 7 on the Zenith and you can just about see the Gegenshein even with indifferent eyes like mine. I think that as far as mainland Europe goes it's about as good as it gets. Being at 3000 feet does no harm either.

The scope was a Takahashi FSQ 85ED at native focal length of 450mm and the camera an excellent Atik 4000 mono with Baader interferometric LRGB filters. The mount was the good 'ol EQ6.



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