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Dave Moulton

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I managed 3hrs and 16 ins on the Pacman, taken with the Megrez 110 Refractor The subs were actually not very good to be honest, guiding was better than average for me anyway but the sky was not that dark and a subs came out a bit milky. I tried shooting at ISO800 10 min subs but they were washed out completely. Switched to ISO 400 to try and combat conditions the subs improved but not a great deal. I had to dig deep to get this amount of detail out of the stack



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You've been peering at it so long Dave you can't see the wood for the trees, it's an excellent image with extended faint nebulosity, good contrast and the dark areas show very clearly as Steve says.

Thanks Martin,

I quite like the final image, though I very much doubt that I could duplicate it looking at the stack.

My initial comment related to the subs, which were not that great compared to others I have taken during better seeing conditions. I think the amount of subs taken 20x 10 mins plus 10 darks helped me tease out the data. I will certainly be imaging at iso400 instead of my usual ISO800.

Cheers for the comments


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