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How do I choose a good 4X Barlow?

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I want to get hold of a good quality Barlow lens to get the planets bigger on the webcam chip. Any recommendations or tips would be appreciated.

4X ish is what I'm thinking. The Barlow that I have (came with the Skywatcher Newt.) seems to give me false colour if I extend the webcam away from it to increase the magnification so I think that I'm either overextending or the Barlow isn't the best quality.

BTW whats the deal with stacked Barlows? Does that work well? I might get away with a second X2 if that's an option.


Captain Chaos

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Stacked Barlows work fine, they're just a bit ungainly and fiddley to use. If you get a 4x barlow make sure it will come to focus in your Newt, mine won't... :)

I've got a 4x Rini barlow, its pretty good .


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The Powermates are simply awesome but I can't say whether you would have focus issues with the Newt though. Certainly no problem using the 4x and 5x with the 100ED. But the newt won't have anywhere near the focus travel.


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If memory serves its in-travel that stops mine from focussing. I'll check though....

Yep Gaz its back focus/in-travel that is the problem with bino viewers.

I am just able to get focus with the ZS80.

WO sell a version that is purpose built for bino viewers and it is a good bit shorter.

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The best quality "barlows" are the televue powermates. You simply can't get better. There is a 4x version but it's 2" so fairly expensive. Im currently on the look out for a 5x version (1.25" barrel). They ARE more expensive but they are excellent quality and for imaging you can't really get better.

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