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Which one is best?

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It's quite a difficult area to process the density of the star field changes quite markedly in this area and if you have any gradients and vignetting it can be hard. I think the focusing maybe a little bit soft or the optics distorting to the edges. There is a cast on the star colour were you using a LP filter. Did you take any flats if not a run through Pix-Insight DBE tool would help.



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Initially for me it was 3, 1, 2 but on looking at the larger versions it rapidly became 1, 3, 2. I am not at all sure about the crop with No 1, why lose the top? No 1 is sharper, it looks as if both 2 and 3 are suffering from over processing especially with regard to star manipulation. Perhaps star reduction that has got to the fine tendrils in the nebula and reduced them to a blur.

It does look very much as if you have tried to reduce star brightness with No 3 and the result simply does not work on any level. No 2 looks like it desperately needs a flat field but if it is from the same data I can't figure out the bright centre.

The original (and best!) No 1 looks to me to have been overstretched, particularly with the white point being shifted too much early on and this has made the stars too bright and too big. I think the secret is to go back to the original TIFF (if that's how you do it) and start again. The data is there but you should aim for a delicate touch with this object, there is too much saturation in the red colours. If it is a touch out of focus it is a lost cause I'm afraid. The fine nebula detail in the Veil needs the best possible focus.

Sorry to go on but you did ask! :-)


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Dennis - not problem with your comments, thats why I posted it to this section.

I am going to do a restack tonight and yes I think I did use a bit too much star reduction and also think I stretched it a bit too much. I am really aiming for a nice smooth almost misty image and this is not what I got - guess yesterday I lost sight of what I was trying to achieve and pushed it too far!

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