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M33 in the Baby Q.


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627529022_QbT34-X3.jpgHere's the old Pinwheel whirring away. Lum 3.5 hours, colours 80 mins of each all unbinned. I've gone off binning and would rather just take more time. I would have a ludicrous 7 hours of Lum but for the fact that for some reason all the lum was filed in an 'Unknown File Format.' Has anyone else had this? It seems to happen if I restart a run without changing the file name, as when you start shooting and realize you still have the focus window open. I just forgot this time. Rather than spend days on the net trying to work out how to open them I just did a reshoot last night. GRRRR...


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Now THAT is a nice M33. Sometimes I see ones that are too "noisy", others too smnoothed, other just too dim, but that one is just about right in my eyes.

(Another object I`m determined to get this time round.... )

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And the dark skies Olly!! Have you cropped it? I was thinking the image scale with my FSQ would be too small for M33 and a bit undersampled, how wrong can you be!

As for the binning, I'm sure you are right at this focal length. I think binning comes into it's own beyond 1000 - 1500mm though.

I have galaxies in mind when I come to Les Granges next Easter!

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