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My name is Cameron aged 9 and I took my 1st DSO


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Well done CJ aged 9. That is a very fine globular cluster you captured there. CJ's Star is a much better name for it too.

If you are going to be an astronomer, then you should join SGL yourself, and have your own special name.


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Well done CJ... you'll be giving tips to the OM in no time - Nice on Cat for getting the young 'un involved :)


Cheers Peter and everyone else. CJ loves the comments.

Packed him to bed early for some sleep and then woke him at around 10pm after I had aligned and focused. Target for tonight was IC5146, but in the meantime I had a job to do. Educate the lad :)

So we started to look at the stars as they came out and talked about them. Obviously Arcturus was the main topic of conversation, whichj lead to Sterllarium to find it's name, then moving the scope to see it.

We then moved onto taking single images of Arcturus and then stacking them.

Stellarium showed M3 close by, so a move there and put it all into practice with 10 x 10second subs (all at 10:30 so still fairly light :eek:)

Afterwards we looked up IC 5146 on google images and went on the hunt for it with Mr Goto and took a few 2 mins subs to confirm we had it. Then the serious imaging began as CJ and I stood in the garden watching all the stars come out for another hour.

Nice to have some quality time with the lad :p

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