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Jupiter, June 18th


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It seems a while since I took a look at Jupiter and what a pleasure it was. Quite a lot of fast moving streaming going on in the atmosphere but Registax worked wonders as usual. Here's my first process of the season with a few more yet to come when the planet was a bit higher in the sky... 2009-06-18_03-10-28_RGB.jpg

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A most splendid image Pete. The detail is amazing.

Thanks for that. Made my day.

I've just got back from a two hour shop with the Mrs. Horrendous experience, so your pic. has calmed me a bit.:)


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and what a pleasure seeing your image of Jupiter is too :) I particularly enjoy seeing the larger images of Jupiter like this, shows off the detail well. Looking forward to some more from you as the season progresses. I felt a little disheartened as Saturn marched towards the horizon and passed meaningful observing for me... but now this jewel is rising... what a sight :D


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I`m in the same fix where I live. Saturn has wondered off behind the rooftops early now from my garden but last night, big and fat as usual, Jupiter appeared in the south east , and what a sight that was!!

It gave me a chance to use my new WO binoviewer for the first time.

After struggling with in focus I eventually got the view I`d hoped for. Binoviewers really do give you the WoW!! factor.


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Neptune can be spotted with 10x50 binoculars so your 5" should handle it.

Last autumn I took a series of widefields (fist-width) pictures of Neptune + starfield that showed its relative motion over a few weeks. Never got round to making an animation as my skills are too poor.

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Thanks for sharing as I hardly ever get to see it from the home obs...

Neptune can be spotted with 10x50 binoculars so your 5" should handle it.

Last autumn I took a series of widefields (fist-width) pictures of Neptune + starfield that showed its relative motion over a few weeks. Never got round to making an animation as my skills are too poor.

Animations are a doddle in Windows Movie Maker...

Just load up the individual frames and drag them onto the timeline in the sequence you want... You have to set the duration that a "still" displays for in the tools menu BEFORE you drop them onto the timeline...


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