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yes, you guessed it .... M27 (my first)


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That's amazing for your first, it has such a wonderful feel to it, I can't put my finger on it... it looks almost like candy floss, except green! THere's so much texture in there, fantastic. Looking forward to more from you :icon_salut:


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Thanks for your kind replies,

although when I say its my first, I realy meant its my first try at the Dumbbell :cool:, but hopefully i'm slowly climbing that long imaging curve :headbang:

Cheers again :icon_salut:

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Hi Peter

I started off saving files in TIFF but everywhere I read says fits is the best to use as you have better control over the seperate colour chanels, plus you get the lumanence file.

After reading the tutorials on here and following Matt Taylors DSI tutorial dvd's where he explains that most of the detail is contained in the lumenance channel (even on the OSC DSI's), I thought I would give it a go and I am pretty pleased with the result.

Next weekend if its clear I am going to try imaging the Dumbbell in TIFF and see how the results compare.

Was your line of thinking different ? :icon_salut:



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That is a peachy M27 GK, well done. The main value of fits is that they can save date with a floating decimal point format which means you retain a tiny amount of data when you stretch an image. I think it is only really an issue with 16bit images.

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Cheers Stepenwolf

Martin, cheers for that info, question to you , would there be an advantage of raw files over fits ?

Jaffa, the borders are created using a program written by Trev Boyde called Astro Image Framer, He put up the link on here a while ago. It was a free program though not sure if it still is.



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